首页> 外文期刊>The journal of immunology >Dendritic Cells Genetically Engineered to Express IL-10 Induce Long-Lasting Antigen-Specific Tolerance in Experimental Asthma

Dendritic Cells Genetically Engineered to Express IL-10 Induce Long-Lasting Antigen-Specific Tolerance in Experimental Asthma




Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional APCs that have a unique capacity to initiate primary immune responses, including tolerogenic responses. We have genetically engineered bone marrow-derived DCs to express the immunosuppressive cytokine IL-10 and tested the ability of these cells to control experimental asthma. A single intratracheal injection of OVA-pulsed IL-10-transduced DCs (OVA-IL-10-DCs) to naive mice before OVA sensitization and challenge prevented all of the cardinal features of airway allergy, namely, eosinophilic airway inflammation, airway hyperreactivity, and production of mucus, Ag-specific Igs, and IL-4. OVA-IL-10-DCs also reversed established experimental asthma and had long-lasting and Ag-specific effects. We furthermore showed, by using IL-10-deficient mice, that host IL-10 is required for mediating the immunomodulatory effects of OVA-IL-10-DCs and demonstrated a significant increase in the percentage of OVA-specific CD4+CD25+Foxp3+IL-10+ regulatory T cells in the mediastinal lymph nodes of OVA-IL-10-DC-injected mice. Finally, adoptive transfer of CD4+ mediastinal lymph node T cells from mice injected with OVA-IL-10-DCs protected OVA-sensitized recipients from airway eosinophilia upon OVA provocation. Our study describes a promising strategy to induce long-lasting Ag-specific tolerance in airway allergy.
机译:树突状细胞(DC)是专业的APC,具有独特的能力来启动主要的免疫反应,包括致耐受性反应。我们对基因工程的骨髓来源的DC进行了基因工程改造,以表达免疫抑制性细胞因子IL-10,并测试了这些细胞控制实验性哮喘的能力。在OVA致敏和攻击前,向未处理的小鼠进行气管内单次OVA刺激的IL-10转导的DC(OVA-IL-10-DC)注射可预防气道过敏的所有基本特征,即嗜酸性气道炎症,气道高反应性,和生产黏液,Ag特异性Igs和IL-4。 OVA-IL-10-DC还可以逆转已建立的实验性哮喘,并具有持久的和Ag特异性作用。我们还显示,通过使用IL-10缺陷型小鼠,介导OVA-IL-10-DC的免疫调节作用需要宿主IL-10,并证明OVA特异性CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3的百分比显着增加注射OVA-IL-10-DC的小鼠纵隔淋巴结中的+ IL-10 +调节性T细胞。最后,注射OVA-IL-10-DC的小鼠的CD4 +纵隔淋巴结T细胞的过继转移可保护OVA致敏的受体免于OVA激发引起的气道嗜酸性粒细胞增多。我们的研究描述了在气道过敏中诱导持久的Ag特异性耐受的有前途的策略。


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