
Hidden blood loss following hip and knee arthroplasty




Following total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKR) only the ‘visible’ measured blood loss is usually known. This underestimates the ‘true’ total loss, as some loss is ‘hidden’. Correct management of blood loss should take hidden loss into account.We studied 101 THAs and 101 TKAs (with re-infusion of drained blood). Following THA, the mean total loss was 1510 ml and the hidden loss 471 ml (26%). Following TKA, the mean total loss was 1498 ml. The hidden loss was 765 ml (49%). Obesity made no difference with either operation.THA involves a small hidden loss, the total loss being 1.3 times that measured. However, following TKA, there may be substantial hidden blood loss due to bleeding into the tissues and residual blood in the joint. The true total loss can be determined by doubling the measured loss.
机译:在进行全髋关节置换术(THA)和全膝关节置换术(TKR)之后,通常只知道“可见的”测得的失血量。由于有些损失是“隐性的”,因此这低估了“真实”的总损失。正确管理失血应考虑到隐性失血。我们研究了101种THA和101种TKA(重新注入引流血)。进行THA后,平均总损失为1510 ml,隐性损失为471 ml(26%)。进行TKA后,平均总损失为1498 ml。隐藏的损失为765毫升(49%)。肥胖对这两种手术都没有影响,THA的隐性损失很小,总损失是实测损失的1.3倍。但是,在TKA之后,由于渗入组织和关节中残留血液,可能会导致大量的隐性失血。可以通过将测得的损失加倍来确定真实的总损失。


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