首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Research >Intrauterine Exposure to Alcohol and Tobacco Use and Childhood IQ: Findings from a Parental-Offspring Comparison within the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children

Intrauterine Exposure to Alcohol and Tobacco Use and Childhood IQ: Findings from a Parental-Offspring Comparison within the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children




This study aims to test the hypothesis that moderate maternal alcohol and tobacco use in pregnancy is associated with intelligent quotient (IQ) scores in childhood through intrauterine mechanisms. We conducted parental-offspring comparisons between the associations of tobacco and alcohol consumption with child's IQ in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Analyses were conducted on 4332 participants with complete data on maternal and paternal use of alcohol and tobacco at 18 wk gestation, child's IQ and a range of confounders. IQ was measured at child age 8 with the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III). We used multivariable linear and logistic regression to estimate mean differences and 95% confidence intervals in IQ scores across the exposure categories and computed f statistics to compare maternal and paternal associations. In fully adjusted models, there was no strong statistical evidence that maternal alcohol and tobacco consumption during pregnancy were associated with childhood IQ with any greater magnitude than paternal alcohol and tobacco consumption (also assessed during their partners' pregnancy). Our findings suggest that the relationship between maternal moderate alcohol and tobacco use in early pregnancy and childhood IQ may not be explained by intrauterine mechanisms.Abbreviations: ALSPAC, avon longitudinal study of parents and children; IQ, intelligent quotient; WISC-III, weschler intelligence scale for children
机译:这项研究的目的是检验以下假设:怀孕期间适度的母亲饮酒和吸烟与通过子宫内机制在儿童期的智商(IQ)得分有关。在雅芳父母和孩子的纵向研究中,我们进行了烟草和酒精消费与孩子智商之间的关联的亲子关系比较。对4332名参与者进行了分析,获得了孕18周妊娠时母婴使用烟酒的完整数据,儿童的智商和一系列混杂因素。智商是在8岁以下儿童使用Weschler儿童智力量表(WISC-III)进行测量的。我们使用多变量线性和逻辑回归来估计暴露类别中智商得分的均值差异和95%置信区间,并计算f统计量以比较母体和父系的关联。在完全调整的模型中,没有强有力的统计证据表明,怀孕期间孕妇的烟酒摄入与儿童智商有关,其幅度大于父亲的烟酒消费(也在伴侣的怀孕期间进行了评估)。我们的发现表明,孕早期孕妇中度饮酒和吸烟与儿童智商之间的关系可能无法通过宫内机制来解释。缩写:ALSPAC,对父母和孩子的纵向研究;智商,智商; WISC-III,韦氏儿童智力量表




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