首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Research >Total Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Alterations in Hepatobiliary Function and Histology in Rats: Is Light Exposure a Clue|[quest]|

Total Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Alterations in Hepatobiliary Function and Histology in Rats: Is Light Exposure a Clue|[quest]|

机译:胃肠外营养相关的大鼠肝胆功能和组织学变化:暴露是线索吗[[quest] |



Light exposure of amino acids, especially in the presence of photosensitizers such as riboflavin, has been shown to result in photoproducts that are toxic both in vivo and in vitro. Provision of photooxidized single amino acids has been shown to result in hepatic dysfunction in both gerbils and rats. However, studies of the effects of light exposure of complete nutrient mixtures (glucose-amino acid-vitamins) on hepatobiliary responses are limited. These are important because, in clinical practice, total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solutions are continually exposed to light and because hepatic dysfunction is the most common metabolic aberration associated with TPN. Studies were conducted to compare the effects of TPN that had been exposed to light (+L) or protected from light (?L) on hepatobiliary function of rats. TPN solutions were either exposed to light or protected from light for 24 h and then infused into rats for 10 d. Data for enterally fed rats are also shown for comparison with parenterally fed animals. +L animals lost more weight and had lower bile flow, higher taurocholate output in bile, higher biliary osmolarity, and higher inorganic phosphate in bile. Hepatic histology demonstrated scattered foci of necrosis in eight of the eight +L animals and in only one of eight ?L animals. These data demonstrate that protection of TPN solutions from light minimizes TPN-associated alterations in hepatobiliary function and histology. These histologic changes observed in the +L animals are in contrast to previous reports of TPN-induced histologic changes, suggesting a different mechanism. Our observations suggest that consideration be given to the implications of exposing TPN solutions to light.
机译:已显示氨基酸的曝光,尤其是在光敏剂(如核黄素)存在下,会导致光产品在体内和体外均具有毒性。已显示提供光氧化的单氨基酸会导致沙鼠和大鼠肝功能障碍。然而,关于完全营养混合物(葡萄糖-氨基酸-维生素)的光暴露对肝胆反应的影响的研究是有限的。这些很重要,因为在临床实践中,总肠胃外营养(TPN)溶液不断暴露于光下,并且由于肝功能障碍是与TPN相关的最常见的代谢异常。进行了研究以比较暴露于光(+ L)或免受光(ΔL)的TPN对大鼠肝胆功能的影响。将TPN溶液暴露于光照或避光放置24小时,然后注入大鼠10 d。还显示了肠内喂养大鼠的数据以与肠胃外喂养动物进行比较。 + L的动物体重减轻,胆汁流量降低,胆汁中牛磺胆酸盐的产量增加,胆汁渗透压升高,胆汁中无机磷酸盐的含量增加。肝组织学显示,在八只+ L动物中有八只和八只ΔL动物中只有一只坏死灶。这些数据表明,保护TPN溶液避光可以最大程度地减少TPN相关的肝胆功能和组织学改变。在+ L动物中观察到的这些组织学变化与TPN诱导的组织学变化的先前报道相反,表明存在不同的机制。我们的观察结果建议考虑将TPN解决方案暴露在光下的含义。




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