首页> 外文期刊>Pediatrics: Official Publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics >Accumulation of Ganglioside GM2 in Cerebrospinal Fluid of a Patient with the Variant AB of Infantile GM2 Gangliosidosis

Accumulation of Ganglioside GM2 in Cerebrospinal Fluid of a Patient with the Variant AB of Infantile GM2 Gangliosidosis




Brain biopsy has been used for the diagnosis of the variant AB of infantile GM2 gangliosidosis. Accumulation of ganglioside GM2 (300 ng of neuraminic acid per milliliter) was observed in the CSF of a patient with this disorder. GM2 was found also in the CSF of a patient with classic Tay-Sachs disease. Normal CSF did not contain any measurable amounts of GM2. In addition, a glycolipid with a mobility, by thin-layer chromatography, similar to that of paragloboside was observed in the CSF of the patient with the variant AB of GM2 gangliosidosis. These findings indicate that the variant AB can be diagnosed by demonstrating accumulation of GM2 in the CSF of patients with normal hexosaminidase activity.
机译:脑活检已被用于诊断婴儿GM2神经节病的变异AB。在患有这种疾病的患者的脑脊液中观察到神经节苷脂GM2的积累(每毫升300 ng神经氨酸)。在患有典型的泰-萨克斯病的患者的脑脊液中也发现了GM2。普通脑脊液不含任何可测量的GM2。另外,在具有GM2神经节病变体AB的患者的CSF中,通过薄层色谱法观察到了具有类似于副球蛋白的迁移性的糖脂。这些发现表明,可以通过证明具有正己糖胺酶活性的患者的脑脊液中GM2的积累来诊断变异型AB。




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