首页> 外文期刊>MATEC Web of Conferences >Effet de la combinaison de la chaux et de la pouzzolane naturelle sur le compactage et la résistance des sols mous argileux

Effet de la combinaison de la chaux et de la pouzzolane naturelle sur le compactage et la résistance des sols mous argileux




Soft soil stabilization has been practiced for quite some time by mixing additives, such as cement, lime and fly ash to the soil to increase its strength. However, there is a lack of investigations on the use of natural pozzolana alone or combined with lime for ground improvement applications. An experimental program was undertaken to study the effect of using lime, natural pozzolana or a combination of both on the geotechnical characteristics of soft soils. Lime or natural pozzolana was added to soft soils at ranges of 0-10% and 0-20%, respectively. In addition, combinations of limenatural pozzolana were added to soft soils at the same ranges. Test specimens were subjected to compaction tests and unconfined compression tests. Specimens were cured for 1, 7, 28 and 90 days after which they were tested for unconfined compression tests. Based on the favourable results obtained, it can be concluded that the soft soils can be successfully stabilized by the combined action of lime and natural pozzolana. Since natural pozzolana is much cheaper than lime, the addition of natural pozzolana in limesoil mix may particularly become attractive and can result in cost reduction of construction.



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