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Introducing a gender-neutral pronoun in a natural gender language: the influence of time on attitudes and behavior




The implementation of gender fair language is often associated with negative reactions and hostile attacks on people who propose a change. This was also the case in Sweden in 2012 when a third gender-neutral pronoun hen was proposed as an addition to the already existing Swedish pronouns for she (hon) and he (han). The pronoun hen can be used both generically, when gender is unknown or irrelevant, and as a transgender pronoun for people who categorize themselves outside the gender dichotomy. In this article we review the process from 2012 to 2015. No other language has so far added a third gender-neutral pronoun, existing parallel with two gendered pronouns, that actually have reached the broader population of language users. This makes the situation in Sweden unique. We present data on attitudes toward hen during the past 4 years and analyze how time is associated with the attitudes in the process of introducing hen to the Swedish language. In 2012 the majority of the Swedish population was negative to the word, but already in 2014 there was a significant shift to more positive attitudes. Time was one of the strongest predictors for attitudes also when other relevant factors were controlled for. The actual use of the word also increased, although to a lesser extent than the attitudes shifted. We conclude that new words challenging the binary gender system evoke hostile and negative reactions, but also that attitudes can normalize rather quickly. We see this finding very positive and hope it could motivate language amendments and initiatives for gender-fair language, although the first responses may be negative.
机译:实施两性公平语言常常与对提出改变的人的负面反应和敌对行为联系在一起。 2012年在瑞典也是如此,当时有人提议为她(hon)和他(han)的瑞典代词添加第三只性别中立代词母鸡。当性别不明或无关时,该代词既可以用作一般代词,也可以用作在性别二分法之外归类的人的变性代词。在本文中,我们回顾了从2012年到2015年的过程。到目前为止,没有其他语言添加第三种性别中立代词,与两个性别代词同时存在,实际上已经覆盖了更多的语言用户。这使瑞典的情况独特。我们提供了过去4年中对母鸡态度的数据,并分析了在将母鸡引入瑞典语的过程中时间与态度之间的关系。 2012年,大多数瑞典人对该词持否定态度,但2014年已经大大转向了更积极的态度。当控制其他相关因素时,时间也是态度的最强预测因子之一。该词的实际使用也有所增加,尽管程度比态度有所改变。我们得出结论,挑战二元性别系统的新词会引起敌意和负面反应,而且态度可以很快恢复正常。我们认为这一发现非常积极,并希望它能激发针对性别公平语言的语言修正和倡议,尽管最初的回应可能是负面的。



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