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Commentary: Oxytocin-Gaze Positive Loop and the Coevolution of Human-Dog Bonds




In recent years, it has been brought forth that dog-human relationships share several characteristics with the maternal bond that unites a child with their principal caregiver (Serpell, 2003) and that mutual gazing—sustained eye contact between two individuals (Rogers, 2013)—could be one particular way in which we express our affection or love with our dogs (Nagasawa et al., 2009). Although affection has already been the subject of many animal studies (e.g., see Harry Harlow's lifelong work with rhesus macaques by Blum, 2002), the possibility that members of two unrelated species could communicate their affection simply by looking at each other is an emerging and fascinating topic for comparative researchers (MacLean and Hare, 2015). Recently, Nagasawa et al. (2015) supported this hypothesis by revealing that oxytocin, a neuropeptide that regulates many forms of social behavior, including bonding and affiliation (Churchland and Winkielman, 2012), is largely involved in the physiological mechanisms underlying mutual gazing between dogs and humans.
机译:近年来,已经提出了狗与人之间的关系具有母婴纽带的几个特征,这种纽带使孩子与其主要照顾者团结在一起(Serpell,2003),并且相互凝视-两个人之间保持了眼神接触(Rogers,2013)。 -可能是我们表达对狗的爱或爱的一种特殊方式(Nagasawa等,2009)。尽管情感已经成为许多动物研究的主题(例如,参见哈里·哈洛(Barry,Blum,2002年哈里·哈洛(Harry Harlow)对恒河猴的毕生研究)),但两个不相关物种的成员仅通过相互看待就可以交流情感的可能性正在兴起。比较研究人员着迷的主题(MacLean和Hare,2015年)。最近,长泽等。 (2015)通过揭示催产素来调节这一假设,催产素是一种调节多种社会行为形式的神经肽,包括结合和隶属关系(Churchland和Winkielman,2012),主要参与了犬与人之间相互注视的生理机制。



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