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Monitoring of groundwater redistribution in a karst aquifer using a superconducting gravimeter




Geodetic tools monitor the earth’s deformation and gravity field. They are presently sensitive enough to record subtle changes triggered by hydrological processes, thus providing complementary data to standard hydrological measurements. Among these tools, superconducting gravimeter (SG) have proven useful to unravel groundwater redistribution, which significantly alter the gravity field. In the frame of the EquipEx MIGA (Matter wave-laser based Interferometer Gravitation Antenna) project, one SG (iOSG-24) was set up in July 2015 in the Low-noise Underground Laboratory (LSBB) at Rustrel, France, in a gallery located 500 m beneath the surface. In this work, we analyse the underground iOSG-24 gravity time series together with hydro-meteorological data and basic gravity modelling. We find that the gravimeter recorded the redistribution of water in the ground and that most of this redistribution occurs in the unsaturated zone located above the gravimeter. Nevertheless, residuals between our model and the gravity data suggest the occurrence of large lateral fluxes and rapid runoff not considered in our model. We discuss how the setting of a second SG, planned in July 2018, at the surface of the LSBB could help unravelling such hydrological processes.
机译:大地测量工具监视地球的形变和重力场。它们目前足够灵敏,可以记录水文过程触发的细微变化,从而为标准水文测量提供补充数据。在这些工具中,已证明超导重力仪(SG)可用于解开地下水的重新分配,从而显着改变重力场。在EquipEx MIGA(基于物质波激光的干涉仪重力天线)项目的框架中,2015年7月在法国Rustrel的低噪声地下实验室(LSBB)的画廊中建立了一个SG(iOSG-24)。位于地面以下500 m。在这项工作中,我们分析了地下iOSG-24重力时间序列以及水文气象数据和基本重力模型。我们发现重力仪记录了地面中水的重新分布,并且大多数这种重新分布都发生在重力仪上方的非饱和区中。然而,我们的模型与重力数据之间的残差表明我们的模型中未考虑到大的横向通量和快速径流的发生。我们讨论了计划于2018年7月在LSBB表面设置第二个SG可以如何帮助阐明此类水文过程。



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