首页> 外文期刊>E3S Web of Conferences >Mercury toxicity potential from artisanal and small scale gold mines in Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province

Mercury toxicity potential from artisanal and small scale gold mines in Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province




Artisanal and small scale gold mining (ASGM) is considered as the largest source of mercury pollution worldwide. The ASGM has been practiced for years in the area of Lebong Regency of Bengkulu Province. To extract gold from the ores, miners use a simple technique called Gelondong. This practice involves amalgamation process which forms amalgam, a mixure composed of mercury and gold. These amalgamation generates liquid and solid wastes (tailings) which still contain significant amount of mercury. Consequently, ASGM activities can potentially create mercury contamination of the environment, especially aquatic ecosystems. This study was aimed to investigate the concentration and distribution of total mercury in rivers to which wastes from ASGM communities in three villages of North Lebong District were dumped. Water and streambed sediments along the rivers were collected and brought to the laboratory for total mercury analysis. Data showed that total mercury was not detected in the river water but high in the river sediments with high variations among lactions from 0.11 to 110.37 mg kg~(-1). Apparently, total mercury tended to decrease with the distance from it source. High amounts of mercury in the river sediments could potentially spread to wider area and cause bioaccumulation in aquatic organisms, especially fish which can be dangerous to consume.
机译:手工和小规模采金业(ASGM)被认为是全球最大的汞污染源。 ASGM已在Bengkulu Province的Lebong Regency地区实行了多年。为了从矿石中提取金,矿工使用了一种称为Gelondong的简单技术。这种做法涉及形成汞合金的汞齐过程,汞合金是由汞和金组成的混合物。这些合并会产生液体和固体废物(尾巴),其中仍然含有大量的汞。因此,手工和小规模采金活动可能会造成环境特别是水生生态系统的汞污染。这项研究的目的是调查北乐峰区三个村庄的ASGM社区所倾倒的河流中总汞的浓度和分布。收集沿河的水和河床沉积物,并将其带到实验室进行总汞分析。数据显示,在河水中未检出总汞,但在河底沉积物中检出的汞含量很高,乳酸在0.11至110.37 mg kg〜(-1)之间变化很大。显然,总汞量倾向于随着距其来源的距离而减少。河流沉积物中大量的汞有可能扩散到更广泛的区域,并导致水生生物,尤其是鱼类的生物蓄积,这可能导致食用危险。



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