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Towards an Event Streaming Service for ATLAS data processing




The ATLAS experiment at the LHC is gradually transitioning from the traditional file-based processing model to dynamic workflow management at the event level with the ATLAS Event Service (AES). The AES assigns finegrained processing jobs to workers and streams out the data in quasi-real time, ensuring fully efficient utilization of all resources, including the most volatile. The next major step in this evolution is the possibility to intelligently stream the input data itself to workers. The Event Streaming Service (ESS) is now in development to asynchronously deliver only the input data required for processing when it is needed, protecting the application payload fromWAN latency without creating expensive long-term replicas. In the current prototype implementation, ESS processes run on compute nodes in parallel to the payload, reading the input event ranges remotely over the network, and replicating them in small input files that are passed to the application. In this contribution, we present the performance of the ESS prototype for different types of workflows in comparison to tasks accessing remote data directly. Based on the experience gained with the current prototype, we are now moving to the development of a server-side component of the ESS. The service can evolve progressively into a powerful Content Delivery Network-like capability for data streaming, ultimately enabling the delivery of ‘virtual data’ generated on demand.
机译:LHC的ATLAS实验正在逐步从传统的基于文件的处理模型过渡到使用ATLAS事件服务(AES)在事件级别进行动态工作流管理。 AES将细粒度的处理作业分配给工作人员,并准实时地流传输数据,从而确保充分有效地利用所有资源,包括最不稳定的资源。这种发展的下一个主要步骤是可以将输入数据本身智能地传输给工作人员。现在正在开发事件流服务(ESS),以仅在需要时异步传递仅处理所需的输入数据,从而保护应用程序有效负载免受WAN延迟的影响,而无需创建昂贵的长期副本。在当前的原型实现中,ESS进程与有效负载并行地在计算节点上运行,通过网络远程读取输入事件范围,并将它们复制到传递给应用程序的小型输入文件中。在此贡献中,与直接访问远程数据的任务相比,我们展示了ESS原型针对不同类型的工作流的性能。根据当前原型获得的经验,我们现在转向开发ESS的服务器端组件。该服务可以逐步发展为类似于内容交付网络的强大功能,以进行数据流传输,最终实现按需生成的“虚拟数据”的交付。



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