首页> 外文期刊>International journal of infectious diseases : >Successful shortening from seven to four days of parenteral beta-lactam treatment for common childhood infections: A prospective and randomized study

Successful shortening from seven to four days of parenteral beta-lactam treatment for common childhood infections: A prospective and randomized study




Objectives: To explore whether 4-day parenteral [beta]-lactam therapy is as effective as 7-day therapy for children hospitalized for parenteral antimicrobials. Methods: A series of patients aged 3 months to 15 years who fulfilled strict criteria for bacterial pneumonia, other respiratory infections, sepsis-like infections, and other acute infections were prospectively randomized to receive parenteral penicillin or cefuroxime randomly for 4 or 7 days. Besides blood and throat cultures, the etiology was searched by serology for 23 different agents. Results: Of 154 children analyzed, a probable etiology was established in 96. Of those, a bacterial infection, with or without concomitant viral infection, was disclosed in 80% and 94% in the 4-day and 7-day treatment groups, respectively; pneumococcus being the commonest agent. There was one possible treatment failure in the 4-day group, but with a questionable relation to the short course. Three patients in the 4-day and two in the 7-day group underwent treatment changes, or were rehospitalized within 30 days. All children recovered entirely. Conclusions: Shortening parenteral [beta]-lactam treatment to 4 days in infections for which most parenteral antimicrobials are instituted, is not only safe, but reduces costs, is ecologically sound, and minimizes the risks of nosocomial infections and other adverse effects of treatment.
机译:目的:探讨对于肠胃外抗菌药物住院的儿童,为期4天的肠胃外β-内酰胺治疗是否与为期7天的治疗一样有效。方法:将符合细菌性肺炎,其他呼吸道感染,败血症样感染和其他急性感染严格标准的3个月至15岁的一系列患者前瞻性随机分组,随机接受4或7天的肠胃外青霉素或头孢呋辛治疗。除血液和咽喉培养外,还通过血清学搜索了23种不同病原的病因。结果:在分析的154名儿童中,有96名确定了可能的病因。其中,在第4天和第7天治疗组中,分别有80%和94%的人报告了细菌感染或无伴随病毒感染。 ;肺炎球菌是最常见的病原体。 4天组中可能有一种治疗失败,但与疗程短有关。 4天组中的3例患者和7天组中的2例患者进行了治疗更改,或在30天内重新住院。所有的孩子都完全康复了。结论:对于大多数肠胃外抗微生物药物而言,将肠胃外β-内酰胺治疗缩短至4天不仅安全,而且降低了成本,在生态上是合理的,并且将医院感染的风险和治疗的其他不利影响降至最低。



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