首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Genes Indicative of Zoonotic and Swine Pathogens Are Persistent in Stream Water and Sediment following a Swine Manure Spill

Genes Indicative of Zoonotic and Swine Pathogens Are Persistent in Stream Water and Sediment following a Swine Manure Spill




Manure spills into streams are relatively frequent, but no studies have characterized stream contamination with zoonotic and veterinary pathogens, or fecal chemicals, following a spill. We tested stream water and sediment over 25 days and downstream for 7.6 km for the following: fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), the fecal indicator chemicals cholesterol and coprostanol, 20 genes for zoonotic and swine-specific bacterial pathogens by presence/absence PCR for viable cells, one swine-specific Escherichia coli toxin gene (STII gene) by quantitative PCR (qPCR), and nine human and animal viruses by qPCR or reverse transcription-qPCR. Twelve days postspill, and 4.2 km downstream, water concentrations of FIB, cholesterol, and coprostanol were 1 to 2 orders of magnitude greater than those detected before, or above, the spill, and genes indicating viable zoonotic or swine-infectious Escherichia coli were detected in water or sediment. STII gene levels increased from undetectable before or above the spill to 105 copies/100 ml of water 12 days postspill. Thirteen of 14 water (8/9 sediment) samples had viable STII-carrying cells postspill. Eighteen days postspill, porcine adenovirus and teschovirus were detected 5.6 km downstream. FIB concentrations (per gram [wet weight]) in sediment were greater than in water, and sediment was a continuous reservoir of genes and chemicals postspill. Constituent concentrations were much lower, and detections less frequent, in a runoff event (200 days postspill) following manure application, although the swine-associated STII and stx2e genes were detected. Manure spills are an underappreciated pathway for livestock-derived contaminants to enter streams, with persistent environmental outcomes and the potential for human and veterinary health consequences.
机译:粪便溢出到溪流中相对频繁,但是没有研究表明泄漏后粪便被人畜共患病和兽医病原体或粪便化学物质污染。我们测试了25天及下游7.6公里处的溪流水和沉积物的下列各项:粪便指示细菌(FIB),粪便指示化学物质胆固醇和coprostanol,通过存在/不存在PCR的20种人畜共患和猪特异性细菌病原体的基因细胞,通过定量PCR(qPCR)的一种猪特异性大肠杆菌毒素基因(STII基因),以及通过qPCR或逆转录qPCR的九种人和动物病毒。服药后十二天和下游4.2公里处,FIB,胆固醇和coprostanol的水浓度比泄漏前或泄漏后检测到的高1至2个数量级,并且检测到表明活的人畜共患病或猪传染性大肠杆菌的基因在水或沉淀物中。 STII基因水平从泄漏前或泄漏后未检出增加到药后12天105份/ 100毫升水。 14份水(8/9沉淀物)中有13份具有存活的携带STII的细胞。药后18天在下游5.6 km处检测到猪腺病毒和破伤风病毒。沉积物中的FIB浓度(每克[湿重])大于水中的浓度,并且沉积物是基因和化学物质药丸的连续储存库。尽管粪便相关的STII和stx2e基因被检测到,但在粪肥施用后的径流事件(药丸后200天)中,成分浓度要低得多,检出频率也较低。粪便溢漏是导致牲畜源性污染物进入河流的一种未被充分认识的途径,具有持续的环境后果以及对人类和兽医健康的潜在影响。



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