首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis shows divergence among mer determinants from gram-negative soil bacteria indistinguishable by DNA-DNA hybridization.

Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis shows divergence among mer determinants from gram-negative soil bacteria indistinguishable by DNA-DNA hybridization.




Mercury resistant (Hgr) bacteria were isolated from four terrestrial sites: three containing high levels of mercury (sites T2, SE, and SO) and one uncontaminated site (SB). The frequencies of Hgr bacteria in the total cultivable populations were 0.05% (SB), 0.69% (SO), 4.8% (SE), and 25% (T2). Between 35 and 100% of the isolates from the four sites contained DNA sequences homologous to a DNA probe from the mercury resistance (mer) operon of the Tn501 Hgr determinant. The mer sequences of 10 Tn501-homologous Hgr determinants from each site were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, with primers designed to consensus sequences of the mer determinants of Tn501, Tn21, and pMJ100, and were classified on the basis of the size of the amplified product and the restriction fragment length polymorphism pattern. Two main groups of amplification product were identified. The first, represented by the T2 and SB isolates and one SE isolate, gave an amplification product indistinguishable in size from that amplified from Tn501 (approximately 1,010 bp). The second group, represented by the SO isolates and the majority of the SE isolates, produced larger amplification products of 1,040 or 1,060 bp. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis revealed that each amplification product size group could be further subdivided into five subgroups.
机译:从四个地面站点中分离出了耐汞(Hgr)细菌:三个站点中汞含量高(站点T2,SE和SO站点)和一个未污染站点(SB)。在总可培养种群中,Hgr细菌的频率为0.05%(SB),0.69%(SO),4.8%(SE)和25%(T2)。来自四个位点的分离株中有35%至100%包含与Tn501 Hgr决定簇的抗汞(mer)操纵子的DNA探针同源的DNA序列。通过聚合酶链反应扩增每个位点的10个Tn501同源Hgr决定簇的mer序列,并设计引物以与Tn501,Tn21和pMJ100 mer决定簇的共有序列相结合,并根据其大小进行分类。扩增产物和限制性片段长度多态性图谱。确定了两个主要类别的扩增产物。第一个由T2和SB分离株以及一个SE分离株代表,其扩增产物的大小与从Tn501扩增的产物大小(约1,010 bp)无可区分。以SO分离物和大多数SE分离物为代表的第二组产生了1,040或1,060 bp的较大扩增产物。限制性片段长度多态性分析表明,每个扩增产物大小组可进一步细分为五个亚组。



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