首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Chemistry: Journal of the American Association for Clinical Chemists >Discrimination of human T-lymphotropic virus type-I and type-II infections by synthetic peptides representing structural epitopes from the envelope glycoproteins.

Discrimination of human T-lymphotropic virus type-I and type-II infections by synthetic peptides representing structural epitopes from the envelope glycoproteins.




Synthetic peptides representing the immunodominant structural motifs of the envelope region of human T-lymphotropic virus types I (HTLV-I) (Env-1(191-214) and Env-5(242-257)) and II (HTLV-II) (Env-20(85-102 and Env-2(187-209)) were used to develop an enzyme immunoassay that could discriminate between HTLV-I and HTLV-II. Serum specimens from individuals whose infections were confirmed and typed by means of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the new assay. When 73 PCR-confirmed HTLV-I specimens were tested with the HTLV-I peptides, the absorbance values for 71 (97.3%) were at least two times higher than the values obtained with the HTLV-II peptides; these samples thus were classified as HTLV-I. Two specimens reacted with all the peptides and, therefore, could not be typed. Conversely, when 59 PCR-confirmed HTLV-II specimens were tested with the HTLV-II peptides, 55 (93%) produced high absorbance values and were typed as HTLV-II; 4 specimens could not be typed. None of the specimens was incorrectly typed; hence, the specificity of this assay was 100%. When this assay was compared with other HTLV immunoassays, the degrees of sensitivity and specificity were similar. The main advantage of this new assay is that synthetic peptides representing variant sequences can easily be added as new variant HTLV strains are identified.



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