首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Cancer >Pharmacokinetic profile and clinical efficacy of a once-daily ondansetron suppository in cyclophosphamide-induced emesis: a double blind comparative study with ondansetron tablets

Pharmacokinetic profile and clinical efficacy of a once-daily ondansetron suppository in cyclophosphamide-induced emesis: a double blind comparative study with ondansetron tablets




We investigated the pharmacokinetic profile and the efficacy of ondansetron (day 1) given as 16 mg suppository once a day, as compared with ondansetron 8 mg tablets twice daily, in patients receiving moderately emetogenic chemotherapy. The study was primarily aimed at investigating the pharmacokinetics and was part of a large multinational, randomised, double-blind, double-dummy efficacy trial. Pharmacokinetic data were obtained in a total of 20 patients, 11 of whom had received a suppository containing ondansetron, and nine patients had received the oral formulation. The median area under the plasma concentration curve (AUC) obtained with the oral formulation was 226 ng ml-1h-1 (range 91-750), and the median maximum plasma level (Cmax) was 50.5 ng ml-1 (range 24.7-199.6) after a dose of 8 mg. For the ondansetron suppository the median AUC was 140 ng ml-1h-1 range (77-405) and the median Cmax was 17.1 ng ml-1 (range 13-48.3) after a dose of 16 mg. The systemic exposure after correction for the dose difference after the suppository was on average 70% lower than after the tablet. The median time to reach the maximum level (Tmax) was 60 min (range 28-120) with the oral formulation and 209 min (range 90-420) with the suppository. For both the tablet and suppository, there was no apparent relationship between either Cmax or AUC, and efficacy. Although the patient numbers were too small for a formal exposure-response relationship to be derived, the slightly poorer pharmacokinetic performance of the suppository did not appear to be associated with a lessening of control of emesis following chemotherapy. The study demonstrates that the pharmacokinetic analysis of a once-daily 16 mg ondansetron suppository results in appropriate plasma concentrations and AUC, and that this rectal formulation is effective in the protection against nausea and vomiting associated with cyclophosphamide chemotherapy. This formulation will provide a useful alternative to the currently available oral formulation.
机译:我们研究了每天接受一次16毫克栓剂的恩丹西酮(第1天)的药代动力学特征和功效,与每天两次两次接受恩丹西酮8毫克片剂的患者相比,该药在中度致呕性化疗中起了作用。该研究的主要目的是研究药代动力学,是大型跨国,随机,双盲,双虚拟功效试验的一部分。共有20位患者获得了药代动力学数据,其中11位接受了含有恩丹西酮的栓剂,9位患者接受了口服制剂。口服制剂获得的血浆浓度曲线(AUC)下的中值面积为226 ng ml-1h-1(范围为91-750),最大血浆水平的中值(Cmax)为50.5 ng ml-1(范围为24.7-ml)。剂量为8毫克后(199.6)。对于恩丹西酮栓剂,剂量为16 mg后,AUC的中位数为140 ng ml-1h-1(77-405),Cmax的中位数为AUC 17.1 ng ml-1(13-48.3)。栓剂后校正剂量差异后的全身暴露平均比片剂后低70%。口服制剂达到最高水平(Tmax)的中位时间为60分钟(范围28-120),栓剂为209分钟(范围90-420)。对于片剂和栓剂,Cmax或AUC与功效之间没有明显的关系。尽管患者人数太少以至于无法得出正式的暴露-反应关系,但栓剂的药代动力学性能稍差似乎与化疗后呕吐控制的减少无关。该研究表明,每天一次的16 mg恩丹西酮栓剂的药代动力学分析可得出适当的血浆浓度和AUC,并且该直肠制剂可有效预防与环磷酰胺化疗相关的恶心和呕吐。该制剂将提供目前可用的口服制剂的有用替代品。



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