首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Cancer >Cervical cancer screening programmes and policies in 18 European countries

Cervical cancer screening programmes and policies in 18 European countries




A questionnaire survey was conducted by the Epidemiology Working Group of the European Cervical Cancer Screening Network, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC, between August and December 2003 in 35 centres in 20 European countries with reliable cervical cancer incidence and/or mortality data in databanks held at IARC and WHO. The questionnaire was completed by 28 centres from 20 countries. The final tables included information on 25 centres from 18 countries. Six countries had started screening in the 1960s, whereas 10 countries or regions had started at least a pilot programme by 2003. There were six invitational and nine partially invitational programmes, the rest employing opportunistic screening only. Recommended lifetime number of smears varied from seven to more than 50. Coverage of smear test within the recommended screening interval (usually 3 or 5 years) was above 80% in three countries. Screening registration took place in 13 programmes. Eight programmes reported the rates of screen-detected cervical cancers and precursor lesions. There was wide variation in the CIN3 detection rates. International guidelines and quality assurance protocols are useful for monitoring and evaluating screening programmes systematically. Our survey indicated that the recommendations as currently given are met in only few European countries. Health authorities need to consider stronger measures and incentives than those laid out in the current set of recommendations.
机译:欧洲宫颈癌筛查网络的流行病学工作组和国际癌症研究机构IARC于2003年8月至12月在欧洲20个国家的35个中心开展了问卷调查,这些国家的子宫颈癌发病率和/或死亡率均可靠IARC和WHO的数据库中的数据。问卷由来自20个国家的28个中心完成。最终表包括来自18个国家/地区的25个中心的信息。六个国家在1960年代开始筛查,而十个国家或地区至少在2003年之前开始了试点方案。有六个邀请性方案和九个部分邀请性方案,其余仅采用机会性筛查。推荐的终身涂片数量从7到超过50不等。在三个国家中,推荐的筛选间隔(通常3或5年)内的涂片检查覆盖率超过80%。筛选登记在13个节目中进行。八个程序报告了筛查宫颈癌和前体病变的发生率。 CIN3的检测率差异很大。国际准则和质量保证协议对于系统地监视和评估筛查程序很有用。我们的调查表明,目前仅在少数几个欧洲国家实现了建议。卫生当局需要考虑比当前建议中规定的措施和激励措施更强有力的措施和激励措施。



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