首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Cancer >Declining incidence is greater for esophageal than gastric cancer in Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Declining incidence is greater for esophageal than gastric cancer in Shanghai, People's Republic of China




Temporal trends in the incidence of esophageal and gastric cancers during 1972 to 1989 were addressed in urban Shanghai, the location of China's longest standing cancer registry. Over the 18 year study period, esophageal cancer rates decreased more than 50% from 28.8/100,000 person-years in 1972-74 to 13.3/100,000 in 1987-89 among men and from 11.3/100,000 to 5.4/100,000 among women. Reductions were apparent in each age group, but most pronounced among younger generations, with more than a 75% decline in incidence among those under age 55 years. The incidence rate for stomach cancer among men decreased 20% from 62.0/100,000 in 1972-74 to 50.1/100,000 in 1987-89. The reduction among women, however, was minor, from 23.9/100,000 to 23.2/100,000. The patterns varied by age, with declines among persons 45-64 years and increases among those in older and younger age groups. The determinants of these trends are not clear, but appear related in part to dietary changes.
机译:1972年至1989年期间,食管癌和胃癌的发病率随时间变化的趋势已经在上海进行了报道。上海是中国历史最悠久的癌症登记处。在为期18年的研究期内,男性的食管癌发病率从1972-74年的28.8 / 100,000人年下降到1987-89年的13.3 / 100,000人,下降了超过50%,女性从11.3 / 100,000人年下降到5.4 / 100,000。在每个年龄组中都有明显的减少,但在年轻一代中最为明显,在55岁以下的人群中发病率下降了75%以上。男性胃癌的发病率从1972-74年的62.0 / 100,000下降到1987-89年的50.1 / 100,000,下降了20%。但是,妇女人数的减少很小,从23.9 / 100,000减少到23.2 / 100,000。这种模式随年龄的变化而变化,在45-64岁的人群中有所下降,而在老年人和年轻人中则有所增加。这些趋势的决定因素尚不清楚,但似乎部分与饮食变化有关。



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