首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Cancer >Effects of carrageenan, PVP and tumour-bearer serum on immunity induced by excision or mitomycin C-treated tumour cells in mice

Effects of carrageenan, PVP and tumour-bearer serum on immunity induced by excision or mitomycin C-treated tumour cells in mice




Carrageenan (Cg) was tested for its effects on the growth of, and immunity to, 2 methylcholanthrene-induced syngeneic murine fibrosarcomas (H1 and H2). The tumours were found not to share major tumour-specific transplantation antigens. H2 appeared more immunogenic than H1. In contrast to H1, immunity induced by H2 was not affected by Cg, nor was its growth in Cg-treated normal mice augmented.Postoperative i.p. injections of Cg abolished the weak anti-H1 immunity produced by H1 tumour excision. Furthermore, the subsequent growth of the H1 tumour challenge in the Cg-treated immune mice was significantly greater than the augmented growth in Cg-treated normal mice. The Prior administration of the macrophage-stabilizing agent polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) to immune mice significantly reduced the augmenting effect of Cg. The growth-promoting effect of Cg on a secondary H1 tumour challenge in mice immunized by tumour excision was abolished by 106 MCT-H1 cells injected s.c. before Cg. In contrast to the immunity induced by tumour excision, Cg did not abolish the immunity induced by the injection of MCT-H1 cells.Passive administration of H1 tumour-bearer serum (TBS) did not enhance the growth of H1 cells in normal mice, nor did TBS abrogate the specific cell-mediated immunity (CMI) induced in vivo by MCT-H1 cells. However, TBS administered to Cg-treated, MCT-H1-immune mice abolished tumour immunity.We propose that TBS does not inhibit CMI in vivo provided that macrophages remain functional, but may do so when macrophages are rendered defective by antimacrophage agents or by products of neoplastic cells. Increasing the levels of specific effector cells can over-ride the inhibiting effects of TBS, even when defective macrophages are present.
机译:测试了角叉菜胶(Cg)对2种甲基胆碱诱导的同系鼠纤维肉瘤(H1和H2)的生长和免疫的作用。发现这些肿瘤不共享主要的肿瘤特异性移植抗原。 H2比H1更具免疫原性。与H1相比,H2诱导的免疫力不受Cg影响,在经Cg处理的正常小鼠中其免疫力也没有增强。注射Cg消除了H1肿瘤切除产生的弱抗H1免疫力。此外,在Cg治疗的免疫小鼠中H1肿瘤攻击的后续生长明显大于Cg治疗的正常小鼠中的增强生长。巨噬细胞稳定剂聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)的事先给予免疫小鼠大大降低了Cg的增强作用。通过皮下注射106个MCT-H1细胞,消除了Cg对通过肿瘤切除免疫的小鼠继发的H1肿瘤攻击的促进生长作用。 Cg之前。与肿瘤切除引起的免疫力相反,Cg并没有消除注射MCT-H1细胞诱导的免疫力。被动给予H1肿瘤血清(TBS)不能促进正常小鼠中H1细胞的生长, TBS取消了MCT-H1细胞体内诱导的特异性细胞介导的免疫(CMI)。然而,将TBS给予经Cg处理的MCT-H1免疫小鼠后,其肿瘤免疫力消失了。我们认为,只要巨噬细胞保持功能,TBS不会抑制CMI在体内,但是当巨噬细胞被抗巨噬细胞试剂或副产品导致缺陷时,TBS可能会抑制体内CMI。瘤细胞。即使存在有缺陷的巨噬细胞,增加特定效应细胞的水平也可能会超过TBS的抑制作用。



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