首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Cancer >Tailoring communication in consultations with women from high risk breast cancer families

Tailoring communication in consultations with women from high risk breast cancer families




This multicentre study examined the influence of patient demographic, disease status and psychological variables on clinical geneticists/genetic counsellors (consultants) behaviours in initial consultations with women from high-risk breast cancer families. One hundred and fifty-eight women completed a pre-clinic self-report questionnaire. The consultations were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and coded. Consultants did not vary their behaviour according to women's expectations. However, significantly more aspects of genetic testing were discussed with women who were affected with breast cancer (PP=0.01) and breast cancer prevention with younger women (P=0.01). Prophylactic mastectomy was discussed more frequently with women with medical and allied health training (P=0.02), and prophylactic oophorectomy with women affected with breast cancer (P=0.03), those in non-professional occupations (P=0.04) and with a family history of breast and ovarian cancer (PP=0.04); facilitated active patient involvement more with women affected with breast cancer (PP=0.02). This study showed that patient demographics were more likely to predict consultants' communication behaviours than the woman's psychological status. Methods to facilitate assessment of psychological morbidity are needed to allow more tailored communication.
机译:这项多中心研究在与高危乳腺癌家庭妇女进行初步咨询时,检查了患者的人口统计学,疾病状况和心理变量对临床遗传学家/遗传咨询师(顾问)行为的影响。 158名妇女填写了一份临床前自我报告调查表。磋商会被录音,逐字记录和编码。顾问们并没有根据女性的期望改变他们的行为。然而,与受乳腺癌影响的妇女(PP = 0.01)和较年轻妇女预防乳腺癌(P = 0.01)相比,基因检测的更多方面进行了讨论。与接受过医学和专职健康培训的女性(P = 0.02)进行预防性乳房切除术的频率更高,对患有乳腺癌的女性(P = 0.03),从事非职业性职业的女性(P = 0.04)以及有家庭的女性进行预防性卵巢切除术的讨论更为频繁。乳腺癌和卵巢癌病史(PP = 0.04);促进了乳腺癌患者的积极患者参与(PP = 0.02)。这项研究表明,与女性的心理状况相比,患者的人口统计学特征更有可能预测顾问的沟通行为。需要促进心理发病率评估的方法,以允许进行更个性化的沟通。



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