首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Cancer >Mechanism of the anti-tumour effect of glucans and fructosans: a comparison with C. parvum

Mechanism of the anti-tumour effect of glucans and fructosans: a comparison with C. parvum




The anti-tumour activity induced by glucans (lentinan, yeast cell walls, pseudonigeran, dextran, DEAE-dextran and dextran sulphate) and fructosans (levan and carboxymethyl-levan) was compared with the activity of C. parvum. The following effects on tumour systems in CBA mice were assayed: (a) adjuvant activity on the immune response against tumour-specific transplantation antigens (TSTA) with a methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma, (b) cytostatic activity of peritoneal macrophages against radiation-induced leukaemia cells, and (c) inhibition of tumour nodule formation in the lungs following i.v. injection of fibrosarcoma cells. All the polysaccharides induced cytostatic macrophages, but the dextrans and levans did so only after i.p. and not i.v. injection. Only lentinan, yeast cell walls and pseudonigeran were active in the lung-nodule inhibition test, and only lentinan and dextran sulphate showed slight adjuvant activity for TSTA. It is concluded that the anti-tumour activity induced by these polysaccharides is predominantly non-specific macrophage-mediated and much weaker than that found with C. parvum.
机译:将葡聚糖(伦地南,酵母细胞壁,假尼日兰,右旋糖酐,DEAE-右旋糖酐和右旋糖酐硫酸盐)和果糖聚糖(左旋糖和羧甲基左旋糖)诱导的抗肿瘤活性与小球藻的活性进行了比较。测定了对CBA小鼠肿瘤系统的以下影响:(a)佐剂对甲基胆甾醇诱导的纤维肉瘤对肿瘤特异性移植抗原(TSTA)免疫应答的活性,(b)腹膜巨噬细胞对辐射诱导的白血病的细胞抑制活性。细胞,以及(c)静脉注射后抑制肺中肿瘤结节的形成注射纤维肉瘤细胞。所有的多糖都诱导细胞抑制性巨噬细胞,但葡聚糖和左旋聚糖仅在腹膜内注射后才这样做。而不是i.v.注射。在肺结节抑制试验中,只有香菇多糖,酵母细胞壁和假黑霉菌才有活性,只有香菇多糖和硫酸右旋糖酐对TSTA有轻微的佐剂活性。结论是,由这些多糖诱导的抗肿瘤活性主要是非特异性巨噬细胞介导的,并且比小小隐孢子虫(C. parvum)弱得多。



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