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Deprivation, clubs and drugs: results of a UK regional population-based cross-sectional study of weight management strategies




Background Despite rising levels of obesity in England, little is known about slimming club and weight loss drug (medication) use or users. In order to inform future commissioning, we report the prevalence of various weight management strategies and examine the associations between slimming club and medication use and age, gender, deprivation and body mass index. Methods A population based cross-sectional survey of 26,113 adults was conducted in South Yorkshire using a self-completed health questionnaire. Participants were asked whether they had ever used the following interventions to manage their weight: increasing exercise, healthy eating, controlling portion size, slimming club, over the counter weight loss medication, or meal replacements. Factors associated with slimming club and weight-loss medication use were explored using logistic regression. Results Over half of the sample was either overweight (36.6%) or obese (19.6%). Obesity was more common in the most deprived areas compared to the least deprived (26.3% vs. 12.0%). Healthy eating (49.0%), controlling portion size (43.4%), and increasing exercise (43.0%) were the most commonly reported weight management strategies. Less common strategies were attending a slimming club (17.2%), meal replacements (3.4%) and weight-loss medication (3.2%). Adjusting for BMI, age, deprivation and long standing health conditions, women were significantly more likely to report ever using a slimming club (adjusted OR = 18.63, 95% CI = 16.52–21.00) and more likely to report ever using over the counter weight-loss medications (AOR = 3.73, 95% CI = 3.10-4.48), while respondents from the most deprived areas were less likely to report using slimming clubs (AOR = 0.60, 95% CI = 0.53-0.68), and more likely to reporting using weight loss medications (AOR =1.38, 95% CI = 1.05-1.82). Conclusion A large proportion of individuals report having used weight management strategies. Slimming clubs and over-the-counter weight loss medication account for a smaller proportion of the overall uptake. Those from less deprived areas were more likely to use slimming clubs while those from more deprived areas were more likely to use weight-loss medications. Future NHS and Local Authority commissioning of weight management services must be aware of this varying social gradient in weight management strategies.
机译:背景技术尽管英格兰的肥胖症水平上升,但对于减肥俱乐部和减肥药(药物)的使用或使用者知之甚少。为了通知以后的调试,我们报告了各种体重管理策略的普遍性,并研究了减肥俱乐部与药物使用以及年龄,性别,剥夺和体重指数之间的关联。方法在南约克郡,使用自我完成的健康调查表对26,113名成年人进行了基于人群的横断面调查。询问参与者是否曾经使用以下干预措施来控制体重:增加运动量,健康饮食,控制体重,减肥俱乐部,非处方减肥药或代餐。使用logistic回归探讨与减肥俱乐部和减肥药物使用相关的因素。结果超过一半的样本是超重(36.6%)或肥胖(19.6%)。与最贫穷的地区相比,肥胖最常见于最贫穷的地区(26.3%对12.0%)。健康饮食(49.0%),控制部分大小(43.4%)和增加运动(43.0%)是最常见的体重管理策略。不太常见的策略是参加减肥俱乐部(17.2%),代餐(3.4%)和减肥药(3.2%)。根据BMI,年龄,剥夺和长期健康状况进行调整后,女性使用减肥俱乐部的机率明显更高(调整后的OR = 18.63,95%CI = 16.52–21.00),并且更有可能使用超重机进行举报损耗药物(AOR = 3.73,95%CI = 3.10-4.48),而来自最贫困地区的受访者报告使用减肥俱乐部的可能性较小(AOR = 0.60,95%CI = 0.53-0.68),使用减肥药物进行报告(AOR = 1.38,95%CI = 1.05-1.82)。结论很大一部分人报告已使用体重管理策略。减肥俱乐部和非处方减肥药在总摄入量中所占的比例较小。那些生活在贫困地区的人更有可能使用减肥俱乐部,而那些生活在贫困地区的人则更有可能使用减肥药。未来的NHS和地方当局的体重管理服务试运行必须意识到体重管理策略中这种变化的社会梯度。



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