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The Utilization of Circumlocution in Some Selected Religious Texts




Circumlocution is a strategy used to describe or explain the meaning of the target expression, through description of its characteristics such as shape, colour, size or function . In other words, using many words to describe something for which a concise expression exists (Smyth, 1920: 681). Circumlocution is often used by aphasics and people learning a new language , where in the absence of a word (such as grandfather ) the subject can simply be described the father of one's father). It is also used frequently in Basic English , a constructed dialect of non-regional English (ibid.). Circumlocution is beating around the bush, circumambages, diffuseness, discursiveness, euphemism , gassiness, indirectness, periphrase, periphrasis, pleonasm, prolixity, roundabout, tautology, verbal evasion, verbiage , wordiness (Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, 2012 : 25). A lengthened, roundabout mode of speech is allowable for the sake of variety or emphasis, or when a direct assertion might be offensive. But when none of these ends is accomplished, the mode of speeches becomes feeble and ineffective . Broadly speaking , circumlocution receives less attention in studies. In addition, very little is known about the purposes of employing circumlocution in speech and writing. Accordingly, this study tries to answer the following questions: What is circumlocution? What are the types of circumlocution ? What functions is circumlocution used to achieve ? What are the types used in religious texts?
机译:割礼是一种通过描述其特征(例如形状,颜色,大小或功能)来描述或解释目标表达含义的策略。换句话说,使用许多单词来描述一些存在简洁表达的事物(Smyth,1920:681)。失语症患者和学习一种新语言的人经常使用割礼,在没有单词的情况下(例如祖父),主题可以简单地描述为一个人的父亲。它在基础英语中也经常使用,基础英语是一种非区域性英语的构造方言(同上)。割礼是在灌木丛中跳动,绕行,分散,话语,委婉语,气愤,间接性,缠扰,peri发,胸膜痉挛,pro亵,回旋处,重言式,言语逃避,动词,冗长(Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus,2012:25)。为了多样化或强调重点,或者在直接主张可能令人反感的情况下,允许加长的回旋语音模式。但是,当这些目的都没有实现时,讲话方式就变得微弱和无效。广义上讲,包皮环切术在研究中受到的关注较少。此外,对于在演讲和写作中采用割礼的目的知之甚少。因此,本研究试图回答以下问题:什么是割礼?包皮环切术有哪些类型?割礼是用来实现什么功能的?宗教文本中使用什么类型?



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