首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports >An Assessment of Women Career Participation and Advancement in the Hospitality Industry in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: - A Case Study on Five Star Hotels

An Assessment of Women Career Participation and Advancement in the Hospitality Industry in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: - A Case Study on Five Star Hotels




This study is undertaken to investigate the factors that influence women career participation and advancement in the hospitality industry in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A case study in five star hotels. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches so as to answer the research questions and achieve the stated objectives. Primary data mainly through a self-developed questionnaire with five point likert scale (5= strongly agree (SA) to 1= strongly disagree (SD) as well as dichotomous and checklist questions were used for this study. besides, face to face interviews and secondary data including government documents and reports, hotel management broachers, several published and unpublished materials were utilized to gather information for the study. After the completion of the data collection, all the questionnaire survey were coded and enter into statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 20.0 for analysis. The study clearly indicated that women participation in hospitality industry particularly in higher position is dominated by men and women work in low status, and unsecure jobs such as waitress, housekeeping, and front-line services. The major societal and organizational factors which contribute to women to have such low position are the stereotypes about women’s commitment to work in the hospitality industry and the job characteristics of the hospitality industry respectively. Besides, lack of general management experience and lack of confidence among women are the major personal factors that influence women participation and career advancement in the hospitality industry.
机译:这项研究旨在调查影响女性职业参与和在埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴的酒店业发展的因素:以五星级酒店为例。该研究采用定性和定量方法,以回答研究问题并达到既定目标。本研究主要通过自行开发的五点李克特量表(5 =高度同意(SA)至1 =强烈不同意(SD))以及二项式和清单式问题的主要数据以及面对面的访谈和包括政府文件和报告,酒店管理人员,一些已出版和未出版的资料在内的二次数据用于收集研究信息,完成数据收集后,将所有问卷调查进行编码并输入社会科学统计软件包(SPSS) )(版本20.0)进行分析:该研究清楚地表明,妇女从事酒店业,尤其是担任较高职位的妇女,主要是处于低下地位的男性和女性,以及诸如女服务员,客房服务和一线服务等不安全的工作。导致妇女担任如此低职位的组织因素是对妇女在家庭工作的承诺的陈规定型观念精神产业和酒店业的工作特征。此外,缺乏一般管理经验和女性之间缺乏信心是影响女性参与酒店业和职业发展的主要个人因素。



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