首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports >Talent Identification of Youth Track and Field Athletes, Employment of the Multivariate Approaches in Hagereselam Training Center in Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Talent Identification of Youth Track and Field Athletes, Employment of the Multivariate Approaches in Hagereselam Training Center in Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia




The purpose of this study was to assess the employment of multivariate approaches in talent identification of youth track and field athletes in Hagereselam training center in Sidama zone. For the execution of the study, a descriptive survey study design with retrospective approach was employed. The study subjects were selected as whole/census/. In this endeavor, data were collected through questionnaire consisting of Yes(1)/No(2)/Not known(3) alternatives to recall the way athletes were selected into the training center. The data collected through questionnaire was analyzed by SPSS version 25. Descriptive statistics was conducted; it was used to show the frequency and percentage of background information of the respondents. Means and standard deviations were also computed to assess the employment of different variables in multivariate approach of talent identification among the event group, age, sex, and the year spent in the center. Consequently, the study demonstrated the average mean scores M=1.90 of the physical variables, M=1.98±.04 of psychological variables, M=1.97±.10 of sociological variables respectively across both groups, both sexes, all age categories and all years of experiences which assured that the physical, psychological and sociological variables were not employed to identify talented athletes in to the training center. Whereas, the average mean score M=1.33 of competition variables assured that talent identification of the training center was almost solely depends on competition results only.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估在西达马州Hagereselam培训中心对青年田径运动员的才艺鉴定中采用多变量方法。为了进行研究,采用了具有回顾性方法的描述性调查研究设计。选择研究对象作为整体/普查/。在这项工作中,通过问卷调查收集数据,问卷由Yes(1)/ No(2)/ Notknown(3)组成,以回顾运动员被选入训练中心的方式。通过SPSS 25版对通过问卷收集的数据进行了分析。它用于显示受访者背景信息的频率和百分比。还计算了均值和标准差,以评估事件组,年龄,性别和在该中心工作的年限之间,在多才多艺鉴定方法中使用不同变量的情况。因此,该研究表明,两组,各年龄段和所有年龄段的身体变量的平均平均得分M = 1.90,心理变量的M = 1.98±.04,社会学变量的M = 1.97±.10可以确保没有使用身体,心理和社会学变量的经验来识别进入训练中心的有才华的运动员。而竞赛变量的平均分数M = 1.33保证了培训中心的人才识别几乎完全取决于竞赛结果。



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