首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Korean Chemical Society >Pre-Service Science Teachers Understanding and Views of Argument-Based Inquiry Approach

Pre-Service Science Teachers Understanding and Views of Argument-Based Inquiry Approach




This study was designed to explore pre-service secondary science teachers?ˉ understanding and views of argument- based inquiry approach. Participants were 17 pre-service secondary science teachers enrolled in chemistry curricular materials and teaching methods course for majors in the college of education at a university in Seoul. Main data sources included each student responses to an open ended survey and individual interviews. Data analyses indicated that the pre-service teachers had very limited and biased understanding on scientific inquiry at the beginning of the semester. While the preservice teachers understood that scientific inquiry should be an essential component of science teaching, a few pre-service teachers mentioned ??argumentation?ˉ or ??discussions?ˉ when they defined what scientific inquiry is. The majority of the pre-service teachers mentioned that science should be taught through scientific inquiry since science is inquiry itself. However, the pre-service teachers expressed several potential barriers and their concerns on implementing argumentation in scientific inquiry. While they concerned about students?ˉ lack of participation at the beginning of the semester, they concerned more about the teachers?ˉ ability of leading student argumentation at the end of the semester.



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