
Workers and militant labour activists from Punjab in Bengal (1921-1934)




Sikh migrants joined post-war strike-waves, formed unions and turned left in the 1920s and early 1930s in and around Calcutta, in the South Bengal region under British rule. To them, an unofficial commemoration of Komagata Maru’s voyage and the militancy associated with the Ghadar movement during First World War, became inseparable from contemporary resistance to the domination of colonial capital and British colonial state in India. They engaged with, worked upon and simultaneously moved beyond the boundaries of ethno-linguistic and religious identities as well as the social content of anti-colonial nationalism by focusing on a self-aware identity based on organised class action. This understanding was linked with the lived experiences of migration and imperial exploitation, the components of identity that had come to the forefront during the war. The diasporic identity of the Sikh migrant workers converged with the wider labour movement and was politically reshaped in the post-war context as livelihood issues took on the form of systematic protests in the city and beyond.
机译:锡克教徒移民参加了战后的罢工浪潮,组建了工会,并在1920年代和1930年代初在南孟加拉邦加尔各答及其周围地区左转,由英国统治。对他们来说,对Komagata Maru的航行和第一次世界大战期间与Ghadar运动有关的好战的非正式纪念,变得与当代对殖民地首都和印度在印度的殖民统治的抵抗密不可分。通过关注基于有组织的集体诉讼的自我意识认同,他们与民族语言和宗教认同以及反殖民民族主义的社会内容进行互动,共同努力并同时超越其界限。这种理解与移徙和帝国主义剥削的现实经验联系在一起,而战争和帝国主义剥削是战争中最重要的身份组成部分。锡克教移徙工人的移民身份与更广泛的工人运动融合在一起,并在战后背景下因政治问题而被重塑,因为生计问题在城市及周边地区发生了系统的抗议活动。



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