
The Madness of Jodh Singh: Patriotism and Paranoia in the Ghadar Archives




My paper focuses on Jodh Singh, a marginal figure in the archives of the Ghadar Party, who was arrested for High Treason against the United States for his role in the “Hindu Conspiracy” plots aimed at the British government of India. Incarcerated in a California prison, Singh was moved to a sanatarium on displaying symptoms of insanity. Through a close reading of a web of archival documents and scholarly reflections—at the center of which lies the report of a commission appointed to inquire into his mental condition—I examine the account of the madness of Jodh Singh as a statement about patriotism and paranoia. In engagement with the work of Foucault, Guha, and scholars of the Ghadar movement, I describe how the record of Singh’s experiences indicts the juridical-legal-medical framework of American society as operating on a distinction between legtimate and illegitimate madness. I also examine how Jodh Singh points to the glimmers of a critique of the self-image of the Ghadar Party as a revolutionary movement committed to egalitarian principles. I conclude with a reflection on what Jodh Singh might tell us about the relationship between madness, political aspiration, and the yearning for solidarity.
机译:我的论文重点关注乔达尔·辛格(Jodh Singh),他是加达尔党(Ghadar Party)档案中的边缘人物,他因叛国罪针对美国叛国罪而被捕,原因是他在针对印度英国政府的“印度阴谋”阴谋中发挥了作用。辛格(Singh)因表现出精神错乱的症状而被关押在加利福尼亚的监狱中。通过仔细阅读档案文件和学术思考网-位于中心的是一个委派调查他的精神状况的委员会的报告-我研究了乔德·辛格的疯狂作为对爱国主义和偏执狂的陈述的说法。 。在与福柯,古哈和加达尔运动的学者们的合作中,我描述了辛格的经历是如何指示美国社会在合法疯狂与非法疯狂之间进行区分的,以此来指示美国社会的法律-法律-医学框架。我还将研究乔德·辛格(Jodh Singh)如何指出批评加达尔党的自我形象的微弱之处,因为它是致力于平等主义原则的革命运动。最后,我对乔德·辛格对疯狂,政治志向和对团结的渴望之间的关系可能会告诉我们的问题进行了思考。



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