首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association: Association des Bibliotheques de la Sante du Canada. Journal >Stuart Hall’s Legacy: Thatcherism, Cultural Studies and ‘the Battle for Socialist Ideas’ during the 1980s

Stuart Hall’s Legacy: Thatcherism, Cultural Studies and ‘the Battle for Socialist Ideas’ during the 1980s

机译:斯图尔特·霍尔(Stuart Hall)的遗产:撒切尔主义,文化研究和1980年代的“社会主义思想之战”



While few analyses of leading cultural thinkers and scholars, such as Raymond Williams and Stuart Hall, consider their roles as socialist public intellectuals, engaged in the on-the-ground debates around party and/or movement strategy and tactics for the Left, such involvement can contribute to making their work more influential as scholars and their work as scholars can contribute to making their political interventions more efficacious. This paper focuses on Stuart Hall’s role as a socialist public intellectual and his ‘Thatcherism’ thesis during the 1980s and argues that part of the latter’s success was not necessarily due to the veracity of its analysis so much as the position of the author and the production and distribution of the ideas.
机译:尽管很少有雷蒙德·威廉姆斯和斯图尔特·霍尔等主要文化思想家和学者的分析认为他们作为社会主义公共知识分子的角色,参与了有关党派和/或左派运动策略和策略的现场辩论,但这种参与可以使他们的工作成为学者更有影响力,而作为学者的工作也可以使他们的政治干预更加有效。本文着眼于斯图尔特·霍尔(Stuart Hall)作为社会主义公共知识分子的角色以及他在1980年代的“撒切尔主义”论点,并指出后者的部分成功并不一定是由于其分析的准确性以及作者和作品的地位。和思想的传播。



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