首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Egyptian Women s Dermatologic Society >Epidemiological study of infectious skin diseases among Egyptian school children in urban and rural areas

Epidemiological study of infectious skin diseases among Egyptian school children in urban and rural areas




directed toward these diseases. Objective The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of infectious skin diseases among Egyptian schoolchildren in urban (Cairo governorate) and rural areas (Gharbia governorate). Subjects and methods A cross-sectional study was conducted. The sample included 2255 schoolchildren (1025 pupils from urban areas and 1230 pupils from rural areas) of both sexes; their mean age was 9.4?±2.3 years. All children underwent a skin examination. Results It was found that 366 (35.7%) children of the total number of urban pupils had infectious skin diseases. Bacterial infections were the most prevalent (10%), of which impetigo contagiosum accounted for 8%. This was followed by parasitic infestations (9.7%), of which pediculosis capitis was the most common (7.7%). The overall prevalence of both viral and fungal skin infections was equal (8%). Among viral infections, warts were the most prevalent (5.9%), whereas tinea capitis was the most common fungal infection (5.9%). A total of 302 (24.6%) rural pupils were affected by infectious skin diseases. The most prevalent infectious skin disease among rural children was parasitic infestation (17.9%), with pediculosis capitis being the major entity (17.2%). This was followed by viral skin infection (3.5%), of which warts were the most prevalent (2.6%), and fungal infection (1.3%), with tinea capitis being the most common. Bacterial infection (0.7%) was the least common infectious skin disease in rural areas. Conclusion The most prevalent infectious skin disease among schoolchildren in urban areas was bacterial infection, whereas parasitic infestation was the most prevalent in rural areas. Programs on health education directed toward students and their parents with monthly school surveys on students are essential measures to combat skin infections in schoolchildren....



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