
Stochastic modeling of flexible rotors




Flexible rotors are characterized by inherent uncertainties affecting the parameters that influence the dynamic responses of the system. In this context, the handling of variability in rotor dynamics is a natural and necessary extension of the modeling capability of the existing techniques of deterministic analysis. Among the various methods used to model uncertainties, the stochastic finite element method has received major attention, as it is well adapted for applications involving complex engineering systems of industrial interest. In the present contribution, the stochastic finite element method applied to a flexible rotor system, with random parameters modeled as random fields is presented. The uncertainties are modeled as homogeneous Gaussian stochastic fields and are discretized according to the spectral method by using Karhunen-Loève expansions. The modeling procedure is confined to the frequency and time domain analyses, in which the envelopes of frequency response functions, the Campbell's diagram and the orbits of the stochastic flexible rotor system are generated. Also, Monte Carlo simulation method combined with the Latin Hypercube sampling is used as stochastic solver. After the presentation of the underlying theoretical formulations, numerical applications of moderate complexity are presented and discussed aiming at demonstrating the main features of the stochastic modeling procedure of flexible rotor systems.



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