首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture >Response of phenological stages and chlorophyll index of wheat cultivars at different salinity levels and their relation to yield

Response of phenological stages and chlorophyll index of wheat cultivars at different salinity levels and their relation to yield




This research was conducted to study the role of phenology in wheat cultivars’ reaction to salinity stress. The experiment was carried out as factorial, based on a randomized complete block design with three replications, in Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran. Treatments included four wheat cultivars (Alvand, Toos, Navid and Sayson) and five levels of water salinity (0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 dS/m). Results showed that except for emergence stage, the salinity stress had reductive effect on other phenological stages of wheat cultivars. Chlorophyll index, plant height, spike dry weight, percentage of fertile stem, spike length and grain and biological yield of wheat were reduced by salinity stress. Wheat cultivars showed significant differences in each one of the studied traits. Maximum salinity effect on phenology and other studied traits was obtained in Sayson cultivar. By increasing the salinity level, Navid and Toos cultivars showed fewer changes in most of the measured traits, as compared to two other cultivars. Overall, Toos cultivar was the most compatible cultivar to salinity stress because of the need for less cumulative growing degree day for completion of phenological stages and more stability of yield. Keywords: Growing degree day, Salinity stress, Phenologic stages. Full-Text Type of Study: Research | Received: 2014/09/29 | Accepted: 2014/09/29 | Published: 2014/09/29 Send email to the article author Related Websites Scientific Publications Commission - Health Ministry Scientific Publications Commission - Science Ministry Yektaweb Company Site Keywords ?????, Academic Journal, Scientific Article, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ?? Vote ? 2015 All Rights Reserved | Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture -Isfahan University of Technology
机译:进行这项研究是为了研究物候在小麦品种对盐分胁迫反应中的作用。该实验是在伊朗哈马丹的Bu-Ali Sina大学基于随机完整块设计并进行三次重复试验的基础上进行的分解试验。处理包括四个小麦品种(Alvand,Toos,Navid和Sayson)和五个水盐度水平(0、4、8、12和16 dS / m)。结果表明,除出苗期外,盐分胁迫对小麦品种的其他物候期都有缓解作用。盐分胁迫降低了小麦的叶绿素指数,株高,穗干重,可育茎的百分比,穗长和籽粒以及生物学产量。小麦品种在每个研究性状上均表现出显着差异。 Sayson品种获得了最大的盐度对物候和其他研究性状的影响。与其他两个品种相比,通过提高盐度水平,Navid和Toos品种在大多数测量的性状上显示出较少的变化。总体而言,Toos品种是最适合盐度胁迫的品种,因为需要较少的累积生长日来完成物候期和提高产量的稳定性。关键词:生长日,盐度胁迫,物候阶段。全文研究类型:研究|收稿日期:2014/09/29 |接受:2014/09/29 |发布:2014/09/29发送电子邮件给文章作者相关网站科学出版物委员会-卫生部科学出版物委员会-科学部Yektaweb公司网站关键字??????,Academic Journal,Scientific Article,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ??投票吗? 2015版权所有|温室文化科学技术杂志-伊斯法罕工业大学



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