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Stephen Gill’s Novel the Coexistence Substantiates Religious Humanism




The world is suffering in several miseries. Today, man is more insecure than the man of 200 years before. Modern weapons are more deadly than the weapons of the past. There have been working many philosophies since that time but the plight of modern man is not reduced. Another philosophy has tried to solve this issue. This philosophy is applied by the authors in this research paper on the literary works of Stephen Gill; it is Religious Humanism. This is a modern philosophy which has given the solutions of the contemporary problems of fanaticism, terrorism, dogmatism and intolerance among the people. People are people everywhere. We have worked on this philosophy and applied it on the literature written by Stephen Gill. Religious humanism gives human beings a critical thinking about the phenomena around him. It says that there is always a good natural reason behind every happening. It rejects any supernatural power involved in the affairs of man. Religious humanism challenges every form of the religious and political extremism. It focuses on the democracy. Stephen Gill elaborates this philosophy in his poems, novels, interviews and essays. Gill deals with the man as the citizen of the world. He wants a democratically elected world government. This research proves that religious humanism is the solution of the contemporary problems and Gill is a religious humanist who believes that only the religion of love, compassion and tolerance can make this world beautiful. Gill says that if religion becomes intolerant, it becomes dangerous. The data is collected from different sources like internet, libraries, magazines and newspapers. This research paper enlightens the reader about the core issues of the world and the topics related to religious humanism. Religious humanism, the centre of Stephen Gill’s novel The Coexistence , is largely a modern concept that presents solutions to contemporary problems, concerning fanaticism, terrorism, dogmatism, minorities, and intolerance. Focusing on democracy, religious humanism challenges every form of creed and political.
机译:世界正遭受着数个苦难。今天,人比200年前的人更加没有安全感。现代武器比过去的武器更具致命性。从那时起,已经有许多哲学思想在起作用,但是现代人的困境并没有减少。另一种哲学试图解决这个问题。作者在关于斯蒂芬·吉尔(Stephen Gill)的文学作品的研究论文中运用了这种哲学。这是宗教人道主义。这是一种现代哲学,解决了人民之间狂热,恐怖主义,教条主义和不容忍的当代问题。人无处不在。我们已经研究了这种哲学,并将其应用于斯蒂芬·吉尔(Stephen Gill)撰写的文献中。宗教人文主义使人们对周围的现象有了批判性的思考。它说,每件事背后总是有一个很好的自然原因。它拒绝任何涉及人事的超自然力量。宗教人文主义挑战着各种形式的宗教和政治极端主义。它着重于民主。斯蒂芬·吉尔(Stephen Gill)在其诗歌,小说,访谈和散文中阐述了这种哲学。吉尔将这个人视为世界公民。他想要一个民主选举的世界政府。这项研究证明宗教人文主义是当代问题的解决方案,吉尔是宗教人文主义者,他相信只有爱,同情和宽容的宗教才能使这个世界变得美丽。吉尔说,如果宗教变得不宽容,就会变得危险。数据是从互联网,图书馆,杂志和报纸等不同来源收集的。该研究论文启发了读者有关世界的核心问题以及与宗教人道主义有关的主题。宗教人本主义是斯蒂芬·吉尔(Stephen Gill)小说《共存》的中心,在很大程度上是一个现代概念,提出了解决当代问题的解决方案,涉及狂热,恐怖主义,教条主义,少数群体和不宽容。宗教人道主义以民主为中心,挑战各种信条和政治形式。



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