首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion >Fetish Priests/Priestesses Media Programmes: Examining their Effects on the Youth in Ghana

Fetish Priests/Priestesses Media Programmes: Examining their Effects on the Youth in Ghana




Church-membership competition exists amid churches in Ghana. This competition is generally conspicuous among Penteco-Charismatics. Research findings have first indicated that the competition is the product of the swift growth of new religious movements. Secondly, it is due to the need to maintain and cause church membership growth. In this respect, Penteco-Charismatic churches in Ghana are in one way and the other under pressure to put up varied attractive strategies and Christian-related religious artefacts/products to attract and maintain people into their fold. In this seemingly same line of progression, one observes a replica of competition, this time, among fetish priests/priestesses in Ghana. In this regard, fetish priests/priestesses showcase their spiritual potency, daunting but sacred artefacts (e.g. snakes, birds), and then conjure money on various media platforms to win the interest of people into their fold. In view of the kind of scenes and the utterances that are telecasted and aired respectively on the media platforms in Ghana, the paper raises a question. “What is/are the effect(s) the programme has on the youth and children in Ghana? The paper maintains that fetish priests/priestesses television and radio programmes should be curtailed. This is because such programmes drive the youth to develop the desire for quick money, occult/magical practices, and social vices, which at the long run may ruin their lives and the society they live in.
机译:教会成员竞争在加纳的教会中进行。在Penteco-Charismatics中,这种竞争通常很明显。研究发现首先表明,竞争是新宗教运动迅速发展的产物。其次,这是由于需要维持并导致教会会员人数的增长。在这方面,加纳的Penteco-超凡魅力教堂一方面处于压力之下,另一方面则面临着提出各种吸引人的策略和与基督教有关的宗教手工艺品/产品的压力,以吸引和维持人们的注意力。在这看似相同的进程中,这次是在加纳的一个恋物癖神父/女祭司之间观察到竞争的复制品。在这方面,恋物癖的祭司/女祭司展现出他们的精神力量,令人生畏却又神圣的人工制品(例如蛇,鸟),然后在各种媒体平台上变出金钱来赢得人们的关注。鉴于加纳媒体平台上分别播出和播放的场景和话语,本文提出了一个问题。 “该计划对加纳的青年和儿童有什么影响?该论文认为,应该减少恋物癖的神父/女祭司的电视和广播节目。这是因为这样的计划驱使年轻人发展对快速赚钱,神秘/魔术实践和社会恶习的渴望,从长远来看,这可能会破坏他们的生活和所生活的社会。



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