首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion >Effectiveness of Education on Health: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Muslim and Horizon Communities in Rajshahi Metropolitan City of Bangladesh

Effectiveness of Education on Health: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Muslim and Horizon Communities in Rajshahi Metropolitan City of Bangladesh




Education and health are the two very important elements of human capital. Educational knowledge enhances human being to get proper healthcare facilities all over the world. In Bangladesh education and health are the two main fundamental rights of every citizen, which is ensured by the constitution. The present study, the author tried to find out effectiveness of education on health. The purpose of the study was to examine and compare how education influences on health outcome between Muslim and Horizon communities. In this study, total number of 275 (150 for Muslim and 125 for Horizon) respondents were interviewed by the author during April to July, 2012 in the Rajshahi Metropolitan City of Bangladesh. The simple random sampling technique was applied when sample size selected. Various statistical techniques were used during analyzed data, such as mean, median, standard deviation, variance and Pearson correlation with SPSS software in version 15.The present study showed that education was greatly influence over health outcomes. The author found that Muslim community dominated the minor community (Horizon) in the various sphere of life. Most of the respondents studied up to primary level which was 45.09%. 76.73% respondents seemed that proper educational knowledge positively enhanced to get healthy life style. 51.64% respondents seemed that communal destitution is existed to get educational attainment and take healthcare facilities. 68.73% respondents argued that they were concern about families planning methods. 66.18% respondents showed their opinion that educational knowledge made conscious about primary diseases, how and where to take diagnosis and treatment of their suffering diseases. 89.45% respondents expressed their fillings that educational knowledge enhances to get better healthcare facilities.
机译:教育和卫生是人力资本的两个非常重要的要素。教育知识增强了人们在世界各地获得适当医疗保健设施的能力。在孟加拉国,教育和健康是每个公民的两个主要基本权利,这是宪法保障的。在本研究中,作者试图找出健康教育的有效性。这项研究的目的是研究和比较教育对穆斯林和地平线社区之间健康状况的影响。在这项研究中,作者于2012年4月至7月在孟加拉国拉杰沙希大都会市采访了275名受访者(穆斯林为150名,地平线为125名)。选择样本量时,将应用简单的随机抽样技术。在分析的数据中使用了各种统计技术,例如平均值,中位数,标准差,方差和与15版SPSS软件的Pearson相关性。本研究表明,教育对健康结局有很大影响。作者发现,穆斯林社区在生活的各个领域都主导着未成年人社区(Horizo​​n)。大多数受访者的初等教育程度为45.09%。 76.73%的受访者似乎认为,适当的教育知识可以积极提高他们的健康生活方式。 51.64%的受访者似乎为了获得教育水平和使用医疗保健而存在社区贫困。 68.73%的受访者认为,他们担心计划生育方法。 66.18%的受访者表示,他们的教育知识使他们对原发疾病,如何以及在何处进行其疾病的诊断和治疗有所意识。 89.45%的受访者表示,他们的教育知识得到增强,以获得更好的医疗保健设施。



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