首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion >Syncretic Forms of Spiritual Healing Practices Among the Muslim Gurage of Southwestern Ethiopia

Syncretic Forms of Spiritual Healing Practices Among the Muslim Gurage of Southwestern Ethiopia




At the time when Islam was propagated into the Sabat Bet Gurage, the second and third generations of the Abret shrine had been accommodated some elements of the traditional belief system and they adopted it into the frame of Sufi Islam. The main focus of this paper is to examine the processes how the indigenous healing practices were accommodated into the frame of Sufi Islam and the mechanisms applied for the persistency of the spiritual healing power of the leaders of Abret shrine. The religious leaders of the Abret shrine have been claiming that they have an extraordinary power to cure diseases which were previously believed to be healed only through performing traditional ritual rites. They claim that they had received baraka (blessing of the Prophet) that ensued from the common genealogical line descended to the Qurayyish tribe of the prophet Mohammed. And, it is believed the baraka that the Abret leaders possess has caused for the sacredness of the earth sample and spring water around the shrine that are used for healing purposes. Thus, this paper underscores the processes of the Islamization of indigenous healing practices and how ritually sanctified diseases were defined under the frame of Sufi Islam.
机译:在伊斯兰教传播到萨瓦特·贝特·古拉奇(Sabat Bet Gurage)时,第二代和第三代神殿已经容纳了传统信仰体系的某些元素,并将其纳入了苏菲·伊斯兰教的框架。本文的主要重点是研究如何将本土医治实践纳入苏菲伊斯兰教的框架,以及用于维持神殿首领的精神医治能力的机制。 Abret神社的宗教领袖声称他们具有非凡的能力来治愈以前被认为只能通过执行传统的仪式才能治愈的疾病。他们声称,他们接受了巴拉卡(先知的祝福),这是先知穆罕默德的古兰经部落从共同的族谱系产生的。并且,据信,Abret领导人拥有的巴拉卡(Baraka)造成了神殿周围用于治疗目的的土样和泉水的神圣性。因此,本文强调了本地医治实践的伊斯兰化进程,以及在苏菲伊斯兰教的框架下如何定义成圣的疾病。



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