首页> 外文期刊>Journal of reproduction and fertility >Ability of progesterone to reverse anti-androgen (hydroxyflutamide)-induced interference with the preovulatory LH surge and ovulation in PMSG-primed immature rats

Ability of progesterone to reverse anti-androgen (hydroxyflutamide)-induced interference with the preovulatory LH surge and ovulation in PMSG-primed immature rats




Summary. In Exp. 1, PMSG was injected to 26-day-old prepubertal rats to induce ovulations. On Day 2 (2 days later, the equivalent of the day of pro-oestrus) they received at 08:00 h 5 mg hydroxyflutamide or vehicle and at 12:00 h 2 mg progesterone or testosterone or vehicle. Animals were killed at 18:00 h on Day 2 or at 09:00 h on Day 3. Progesterone but not testosterone restored the preovulatory LH surge and ovulation in hydroxyflutamide-treated rats. In Exp. 2, 2 mg progesterone or testosterone were injected between 10:30 and 11:00 h on Day 2, to advance the pro-oestrous LH surge and ovulation in PMSG-primed prepubertal rats. Injection of hydroxyflutamide abolished the ability of progesterone to advance the LH surge or ovulation. Testosterone did not induce the advancement of LH surge or ovulation. In Exp. 3, ovariectomized prepubertal rats implanted with oestradiol-17β showed significantly (P< 0·01) elevated serum LH concentrations at 18:00 h over those observed at 10:00 h. Progesterone injection to these animals further elevated the serum LH concentrations at 18:00 h, in a dose-dependent manner, with maximal values resulting from 1 mg progesterone. Hydroxyflutamide treatment significantly (P< 0·003) reduced the serum LH values in rats receiving 0–1 mg progesterone but 2 mg progesterone were able to overcome this inhibition. It is concluded that progesterone but not testosterone can reverse the effects of hydroxyflutamide on the preovulatory LH surge and ovulation. It appears that hydroxyflutamide may interfere with progesterone action in induction of the LH surge, suggesting a hitherto undescribed anti-progestagenic action of hydroxyflutamide.
机译:概要。在实验中如图1所示,将PMSG注射至26日龄的青春期前大鼠以诱导排卵。在第2天(2天后,相当于发情前一天),他们在08:00 h接受5 mg羟基氟他胺或媒介,在12:00 h接受2 mg孕酮或睾丸激素或媒介。在第2天的18:00 h或第3天的09:00 h处死动物。在经氟他胺治疗的大鼠中,孕酮而非睾丸激素恢复了排卵前LH激增和排卵。在实验中第2天,在第2天的10:30至11:00之间注射2 mg的孕酮或睾丸激素,以促进PMSG引发的青春期前大鼠的前雌激素LH激增和排卵。注射羟氟他胺消除了黄体酮促进LH激增或排卵的能力。睾丸激素不诱导LH激增或排卵的进展。在实验中3,植入卵巢雌二醇的17β切除卵巢的青春期前大鼠在18:00时的血清LH浓度明显高于在10:00时观察到的(P <0·01)。向这些动物注射黄体酮以剂量依赖的方式进一步提高了18:00 h的血清LH浓度,其最大值来自1 mg黄体酮。羟基氟他胺治疗显着(P <0·003)降低了接受0–1 mg孕酮的大鼠的血清LH值,但2 mg孕酮能够克服这种抑制作用。结论是,孕酮而不是睾丸激素可以逆转羟基氟他胺对排卵前LH增高和排卵的作用。似乎羟基氟他胺可能会干扰LH激增中的孕激素作用,表明羟基氟他胺迄今尚未描述的抗孕激素作用。



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