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The Telegraph: Radical Transmission in the 1790s




Mary Fairclough's recent essay explores the political, social, and epistemological effects of the optical telegraph in late eighteenth-century Britain, focusing in particular on how telegraph imagery appears in conversations about reformist politics and global communication in the 1790s. Fascinatingly, as Fairclough outlines, the optical telegraph "appears to demand recourse to figurative or metaphorical expression in order to describe its effects" (26). To track the deployment of the telegraph metaphor, she focuses on how the aptly named anti-ministerial newspaper, the Telegraph, exploits the figurative implications of its namesake – namely the telegraph's speed, accuracy, and reach – in ways that mobilise radical politics and help mitigate the repression of dissent. First documenting how telegraphic technology moves from France to Britain, Fairclough goes on to discuss the Telegraph's implementation of the telegraph trope, as well as its skirmishes with the law and its connections with the London Corresponding Society. While the Telegraph employs the telegraph metaphor as a means of articulating the "radical aspiration to the swift communication of political information," conservative attempts to curb such aspirations similarly appropriate telegraphic imagery, and thus command over the telegraph trope becomes central to the political discourse of the period. Fairclough also examines the telegraphic metaphor in terms of both its promise (the possibility of "radical communication" across the globe [33]) and its limits (as in the case of exiled radicals in Australia). Despite the practical limitations of telegraphic technology, however, Fairclough concludes that the telegraph comes to demonstrate "the transformative political effects of communicative media" (Abstract).
机译:玛丽·费尔克洛夫(Mary Fairclough)的最新文章探讨了18世纪晚期英国的光学电报的政治,社会和认识论影响,尤其关注电报图像在1790年代有关改良主义政治和全球传播的对话中是如何出现的。引人入胜的是,正如Fairclough所概述的那样,光学电报“似乎要求诉诸于形象或隐喻表达以描述其效果”(26)。为了跟踪电报隐喻的部署,她着重于恰当地命名为反部委的报纸《电报》如何以动员激进政治和帮助的方式利用其同名人物的象征意义,即电报的速度,准确性和影响力。减轻异议人士的压制。 Fairclough首次记录了电报技术如何从法国转移到英国,接着讨论了电报机的应用,以及其与法律的冲突以及与伦敦通信协会的联系。尽管《电讯报》采用电报隐喻作为表达“对政治信息进行迅速沟通的激进愿望”的手段,但保守派试图以类似适当的电报图像来遏制这种愿望,因此,对电报单音望远镜的指挥已成为政治对话的中心。时期。费尔克洛夫还从承诺(在全球范围内进行“激进通信”的可能性[33])和限制(例如在澳大利亚流亡的激进分子的情况)方面研究了电报隐喻。尽管电报技术有实际的局限性,但费尔克洛得出的结论是,电报的出现是为了证明“交际媒体的变革性政治效果”(摘要)。



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