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Scriblerian Projections of Longitude: Arbuthnot, Swift, and the Agency of Satire in a Culture of Invention




Devising a practical method to determine longitude at sea was the culturally predominant scientific and technical problem of the eighteenth century. Its solution had been raised as a direct concern of the state in other countries previously, but it became the focus of considerable British investment in July 1714, when the Longitude Act appointed Commissioners to judge all related projects and award up to £2000 to experimenters, and pay up to £20000 if a method gave a correct result to within half a degree of longitude, equivalent to 30 geographical miles. The precise reasons for establishing the British reward are still unknown, but the Act is claimed as "testimony of the utilitarianism of those active in the propagation of Newtonian natural philosophy" (Stewart, The Rise of Public Science 202). Its ramifications, however, were not only scientific, technological, and navigational, but also cultural; and it had human, as well as economic, costs.
机译:设计一种确定海上经度的实用方法是18世纪文化上占主导地位的科学和技术问题。以前,解决方案曾是其他国家对该州的直接关注,但在1714年7月,《经度法》任命专员来评判所有相关项目并向实验者奖励2000英镑时,它就成为英国大量投资的重点。如果一种方法在半个经度以内(相当于30个地理英里)给出正确的结果,则最多要支付20000英镑。建立英国奖励的确切原因仍然未知,但该法被宣称为“那些活跃于牛顿自然哲学传播者的功利主义的证明”(Stewart,《公共科学的崛起》 202)。但是,它的影响不仅是科学,技术和航行方面的,而且是文化方面的。它要付出人力和经济上的代价。



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