首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Review of Elizabeth D. Harvey’s and Timothy M. Harrison’s “Embodied Resonances: Early Modern Science and Tropologies of Connection in Donne’s Anniversaries ”

Review of Elizabeth D. Harvey’s and Timothy M. Harrison’s “Embodied Resonances: Early Modern Science and Tropologies of Connection in Donne’s Anniversaries ”

机译:回顾伊丽莎白·哈维(Elizabeth D. Harvey)和蒂莫西·哈里森(Timothy M. Harrison)的“体现的共鸣:多恩(Donne)周年的早期现代科学和人际关系学”



John Donne's Anniversaries, written in 1611 and 1612, ostensibly aim to commemorate the death of Elizabeth Drury, daughter of the poet's patron Sir Robert Drury. In doing so, they take in the whole earth, the sun and stars, music, theology and philosophy in comparisons so wide-ranging and hyperbolic that many, Ben Jonson included, deemed these poems both indecent and blasphemous. In "Embodied Resonances: Early Modern Science and Tropologies of Connection in Donne's Anniversaries", Elizabeth D. Harvey and Timothy M. Harrison trace a path through Donne's dense and sometimes obscure poetic imagery using the principle of 'resonance'. The Anniversaries, they argue, express Donne's epistemological anxieties about new philosophy which "calls all in doubt." However, through the use of 'resonance', the poems also evoke a sense of cosmic connectedness which links the poet, the reader, Elizabeth Drury's body, and the celestial firmament
机译:约翰·多恩(John Donne)的纪念日写于1611年和1612年,表面上旨在纪念诗人赞助人罗伯特·德鲁里爵士的女儿伊丽莎白·德鲁里的去世。这样做,它们吸收了整个地球,太阳和星星,音乐,神学和哲学,其范围之广和双曲线如此之大,以至于本·琼森(Ben Jonson)包括许多人都认为这些诗既不雅又亵渎神灵。伊丽莎白·哈维(Elizabeth D. Harvey)和蒂莫西·M·哈里森(Timothy M. Harrison)在“嵌入的共鸣:早期的现代科学和唐纳诞辰中的联系的人类学”中,使用“共鸣”原理追溯了邓恩浓密而有时晦涩的诗歌意象。他们争辩说,周年纪念表达了多恩对新哲学的认识论上的焦虑,新哲学“使所有人产生疑问”。但是,通过使用“共鸣”,这些诗还唤起了一种宇宙联系感,将诗人,读者,伊丽莎白·德鲁里的身体和天穹联系在一起



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