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Review of Jonathan Hogg’s “’The Family that Feared Tomorrow’: British Nuclear Culture and Individual Experience in the late 1950s”

机译:乔纳森·霍格(Jonathan Hogg)的“害怕明天的家庭”:1950年代后期的英国核文化和个人经历的评论”



Jonathan Hogg's examination of the impact of nuclear issues upon individual experience in Britain during the 1950s is a valuable piece of research into a period of Cold War history that has predominantly been considered through the American post- war suburban experience. Hogg begins by recalling an event in 1957 where Elsie and Andrew Marshall gassed their three children before entering into a suicide pact and jumping into the sea. Hogg then notes how a subsequent article in the Daily Mirror entitled "The family that feared tomorrow" outlined the contents of the suicide note, which cited the threat of human extermination as a key factor in the couples' actions. This incident, Hogg argues, provides a powerful example of how developing nuclear technologies produced a wide-range of cultural and personal responses while also demonstrating how "profound preoccupations with nuclear danger straddled class boundaries" (536). Hogg's article therefore utilises Gabrielle Hecht's (2006) use of the term 'nuclearity' (Hecht uses it to refer to the extent to which a nation is classed as 'nuclear') but re-appropriates it to reveal "the shifting set of assumptions held by individual citizens on the dangers of nuclear technology, assumptions that were rooted firmly in context and which circulated in, and were shaped by, national discourse" (537). 'Nuclearity' thus becomes a way of assessing the degree to which the nuclear referent was encoded within cultural activities
机译:乔纳森·霍格(Jonathan Hogg)对核问题对1950年代英国个人经历的影响的研究,是对冷战历史时期的一项有价值的研究,主要是通过美国战后的郊区经验进行研究。霍格首先回想起1957年的一次事件,在那次事件中,艾尔西(Elsie)和安德鲁·马歇尔(Andrew Marshall)对三个孩子施以毒气,然后签署了自杀协议并跳入海中。霍格随后指出,《每日镜报》随后发表的一篇题​​为“担心明天的家庭”的文章是如何概述自杀遗书的内容的,其中提到了人类灭绝的威胁是夫妻行动的关键因素。霍格认为,这一事件提供了一个强有力的例子,说明了发展核技术如何产生广泛的文化和个人反应,同时还证明了“对核危险的深切关注跨越了阶级界限”(536)。因此,霍格(Hogg)的文章利用了加布里埃尔·赫希(Gabrielle Hecht)(2006)对“核”一词的使用(Hecht用它指的是一个国家被归类为“核”的程度),但重新采用了该词以揭示“不断变化的假设集”。公民关于核技术危险的假设,这些假设扎根于具体情况,并在国家话语中传播和塑造”(537)。因此,“核”成为评估文化活动中核参照物编码程度的一种方式。



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