首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Rethinking “Patient Testimony” in the Medical Humanities: The Case of Schizophrenia Bulletin ‘s First Person Accounts’

Rethinking “Patient Testimony” in the Medical Humanities: The Case of Schizophrenia Bulletin ‘s First Person Accounts’




Illness narratives are the object par excellence of classical medical humanities enquiry. Thanks in part to the wider 'narrative turn' in the humanities and social science (Bamberg), interest in narratives of/and illness has been growing steadily across a number of fields (Woods, "The Limits of Narrative"), including medical anthropology (Mattingly and Garro; Littlewood), medical sociology (Frank, The Wounded Storyteller; Atkinson "Illness Narratives Revisited"), and the philosophy of psychiatry (Fulford et al.). While the medical humanities draw energy and insight from this work, they are perhaps distinctive in bringing social-scientific and literary- philosophical approaches if not together then at least into conversation. Medical humanities researchers with training in the social sciences typically view illness narratives as data to be solicited through interviews and then transcribed, 'coded' and analysed using rigorous methodologies, many of which are aided by sophisticated computer programmes. As the field widens to include work that is more critically and politically engaged (Atkinson et al.; B. E. Lewis), temporal and spatial situatedness, and the complex interplay between 'individual' and 'collective' narratives of illness (Atkinson and Rubinelli), are also coming into focus. A second stream of medical humanities researchers trained in literary and cultural studies approach the study of illness narrative from a different perspective and so with different tools. Here, textual and intertextual, aesthetic and historical detail come sharply into focus, with close- readings of lengthy and polished autobiographical, biographical and fictional accounts of illness teasing out the complexities of these projected worlds (Belling; Ingram et al). Where these divergent approaches to illness narrative might otherwise remain largely indifferent to each other's existence, their intersection in the field of medical humanities affirms shared interests in treating the messy and complex subjective experience of illness as something distinct from the biological functioning of disease, and so in ensuring that these experiences and the ways we come to communicate them are given the recognition they deserve
机译:疾病叙事是古典医学人文研究的卓越对象。部分由于人文科学和社会科学的广泛“叙事转向”(班贝格),对/和疾病叙事的兴趣在包括医学人类学在内的多个领域(伍兹,“叙事的极限”)中一直在稳步增长(马特利和加罗;利特伍德),医学社会学(弗兰克,受伤的讲故事的人;阿特金森“病态叙事的重新审视”)和精神病学哲学(福尔福德等)。虽然医学人文学科从这项工作中汲取了精力和洞察力,但它们在将社会科学和文学哲学方法(如果至少没有融合在一起的话)之间进行了交谈,也许是独特的。经过社会科学培训的医学人文学科研究人员通常将疾病的叙述视为要通过访谈征集的数据,然后使用严格的方法进行转录,“编码”和分析,其中许多方法均由复杂的计算机程序辅助。随着领域的扩大,包括更具批判性和政治性的工作(Atkinson等人; BE Lewis),时间和空间位置以及疾病的“个体”和“集体”叙述之间的复杂相互作用(Atkinson和Rubinelli),也成为焦点。在文学和文化研究中受过训练的医学人文研究人员的第二流,从不同的角度并以不同的工具对疾病叙事进行研究。在这里,文本和文本间的,美学的和历史的细节成为焦点,仔细阅读冗长而优美的自传,传记和虚构的疾病说明,以消除这些预计世界的复杂性(Belling; Ingram等)。否则,这些关于疾病叙事的不同方法可能仍对彼此的存在大为无动,它们在医学人文学科领域的交汇点确认了在将疾病的混乱而复杂的主观体验视为与疾病的生物学功能不同的事物方面的共同利益。确保这些经验和我们进行沟通的方式得到应有的认可



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