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Imaginary Investments: Illness Narratives Beyond the Gaze’




Samuel Beckett, in his partly-autobiographical novel, Murphy (1957), uses his narrator to describe a series of hospital encounters intended to uncover the medical condition underlying a cardiac complaint. Without success, he tells the reader, his "irrational heart" was "inspected, palpated, auscultated, percussed, radiographed and cardiographed" (3). Although Beckett would not have described Murphy as an illness narrative, he captures very accurately the dominant perspective on the history of the modern medical encounter. Murphy is subject to the objectifying gaze of medical professionals and their visual technologies while at the same time he is characterised as the "irrational" patient solely defined by his specific pathology. This positioning of medical authority and patient submission is precisely the totalizing relationship of the clinical gaze as determined by Foucault in The Birth of the Clinic. Foucault's conceptualization of a paradigm shift in Western medicine has been endorsed by studies of nineteenth- and twentieth-century clinical medicine, which describe a significant reorientation in the balance of power between patient and doctor around 1800 (Ackerknetcht; Fissell; Jewson) and the growing dominance of an 'object- oriented' medical cosmology. It is this construction of the medical encounter and the growing dominance of biomedicine that Foucault seeks to chronicle that scholars of illness narratives have long sought to overturn. In this scholarship patient narratives are neither irrational nor passive but instead actively and subjectively valuable stories of illness that give both meaning and context to the conditions of illness from the patient's perspective. While the methods by which such narratives might be analysed and interpreted have led to scholarly disagreement, Arthur Frank captured a consensus when he argued that "narratability means that events and lives are affirmed as being worth telling and thus worth living. Being narratable implies value and attributes reality" ("Why Study" 111). Despite its efforts to reassess, and indeed to respect and value the patient story, illness narrative scholarship has rarely sought to do so by rejecting the orthodoxy of Foucault's vision of the emergence of the clinical gaze that led originally to the dismissal of the patient perspective that it seeks to re-inscribe. Critics have, of course, followed Habermas in his judgement that Foucault's reading of the historical evolution of the modern hospital was overbearingly structural and lacking in specific example (Kennedy, Revising 9-10; Rylance, 256; Jones and Porter). However, there has been little attempt to consider whether those aspects of the clinical medical encounter that Foucault claimed had been rejected by the beginning of the nineteenth century did, in fact, disappear or whether they were maintained, and continue to be so, in illness narratives of varying type and form. The Birth of the Clinic argues that key to the emergence of the clinical gaze was the loss of a "visionary space" (Foucault x) which is evoked through a language both fantastical and myth-making, a language that both gave room for the imagination and privileges the imaginative, historicised metaphor as providing access to truths about medical encounters and illness. These are the "imaginary investments"
机译:塞缪尔·贝克特(Samuel Beckett)在他的部分自传小说《墨菲(Murphy)》(1957年)中,用他的叙述者描述了一系列旨在揭示心脏病引起的医疗状况的医院遭遇事件。他告诉读者,没有成功,他的“不合理的心脏”被“检查,触诊,听诊,敲击,射线照相和心电图检查”(3)。尽管贝克特不会将墨菲描述为疾病的叙述者,但他非常准确地把握了现代医学遭遇史上的主导观点。墨菲(Murphy)受到医学专业人士及其视觉技术的客观关注,而与此同时,他被描述为仅由其特定病理定义的“非理性”患者。医疗权限和患者服从的这种定位恰好是福柯在《诊所的诞生》中确定的临床目光的总体关系。福柯关于西医范式转变的概念已得到19世纪和20世纪临床医学研究的认可,该研究描述了1800年左右患者与医生之间的力量平衡(Ackerknetcht; Fissell; Jewson)的显着重新定位,以及这种增长的趋势。 “面向对象”医学宇宙学的优势。福柯试图记载医学界的这种结构和生物医学的日益增长的主导地位,疾病叙事学者们长期以来一直试图推翻这一观点。在这项奖学金中,患者的叙述既不是非理性的也不是消极的,而是积极而主观的关于疾病的有价值的故事,这些故事从患者的角度为疾病的状况提供了意义和背景。虽然分析和解释此类叙述的方法导致了学术上的分歧,但亚瑟·弗兰克(Arthur Frank)辩称“叙事性意味着事件和生活被肯定值得讲述,因此值得生活。属性现实”(“为什么学习” 111)。尽管尽力重新评估并确实尊重和珍视患者的故事,但疾病叙事学术界却很少通过拒绝福柯关于临床注视出现的正统观念来寻求这样做,而这种正统观念最初导致了对患者观点的摒弃。它试图重新刻写。批评家当然也跟随哈贝马斯的判断,认为福柯对现代医院历史演变的解读过于结构化,缺乏具体示例(肯尼迪,修订版9-10;罗兰斯,256;琼斯和波特)。但是,几乎没有人尝试去考虑福柯声称在19世纪初被拒绝的临床医学遭遇的某些方面是否确实消失了,或者是否在疾病中得到维持并且一直如此不同类型和形式的叙述。诊所的诞生认为,临床目光出现的关键是失去了“幻想空间”(Foucault x),这种幻想空间是通过幻想和虚构的语言引起的,这两种语言都为想象提供了空间并赋予想象力的,具有历史意义的隐喻特权,使您可以获取有关医疗遭遇和疾病的真相。这些是“想象中的投资”



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