首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Review of Daniel Cordle’s “Protect/Protest: British Nuclear Fiction of the 1980s

Review of Daniel Cordle’s “Protect/Protest: British Nuclear Fiction of the 1980s

机译:丹尼尔·科尔(Daniel Cordle)的“保护/抗议:1980年代英国核小说”的评论



Contained within a special issue of The British Journal for the History of Science on 'British Nuclear Culture', Daniel Cordle's article provides a valuable assessment of the nuclear referent within a selection of British writings during the 1980s. Both Cordle's article and the special issue more broadly outline an emerging area of scholarship which aims to unpick the ways in which nuclear technology and weaponry influenced British cultural life during the Cold War. Cordle's article focuses on a series of socio-political events during the eighties – notably the "hard- lines stances" (655) of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan towards the Soviet Union and increasing reaction to the British government's 1976 civil defence pamphlet Protect and Survive – and evaluates how these wider issues filtered into literary representation
机译:丹尼尔·科德(Daniel Cordle)的文章包含在《英国科学史杂志》的“英国核文化”专刊中,该文章对1980年代一系列英国著作中的核指示物进行了有价值的评估。科尔的文章和专刊都更广泛地概述了一个新兴的学术领域,该领域旨在揭示冷战期间核技术和武器对英国文化生活的影响方式。 Cordle的文章重点讨论了八十年代的一系列社会政治事件,特别是玛格丽特·撒切尔和罗纳德·里根对苏联的“强硬立场”(655),以及对英国政府1976年《民防》小册子《保护与生存》的反应日益强烈–并评估这些更广泛的问题如何渗透到文学表征中



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