首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Review of Catherine Belling’s “A Happy Doctor’s Escape from Narrative: Reflection in Saturday”

Review of Catherine Belling’s “A Happy Doctor’s Escape from Narrative: Reflection in Saturday”

机译:凯瑟琳·贝林(Catherine Belling)的“从叙事中逃脱的快乐医生:周六反思”的评论



Medical humanities scholarship, and especially that dealing with fiction, is often sceptically received in literature and science communities; it is often regarded as superficial, usually due to a lack of the requisite literary-historical knowledge and skills on the part of the author. Catherine Belling's short article on Ian McEwan's 2005 novel Saturday is a welcome exception, exploring with an appropriate understanding of literary discourses the role that such a novel might play in the reflective education of medical students. Saturday has been widely discussed by literature and science scholars, more often in seminars and conference presentations than in writing (although David Amigoni's contribution to Sharon Ruston's edited collection of essays, Literature and Science, is a fine example of the latter), and it may seem unlikely that there is new territory to be mapped. However, as Belling reveals, to consider how the novel traces different modes of reflection through the character of the neurosurgeon Henry Perowne, is certainly one way to find a fresh perspective
机译:医学人文科学奖学金,特别是与小说有关的文学人文科学奖学金,在文学和科学界通常令人怀疑;它通常被认为是肤浅的,通常是由于作者缺乏必要的文学历史知识和技能。凯瑟琳·贝林(Catherine Belling)关于伊恩·麦克尤恩(Ian McEwan)2005年的小说《星期六》的简短文章是一个受欢迎的例外,他对文学话语有适当的了解,探讨了这种小说在医学生的反思性教育中可能发挥的作用。文学和科学学者广泛讨论了星期六,在研讨会和会议上的演讲多于书面讨论(尽管大卫·阿米戈尼(David Amigoni)对沙龙·鲁斯顿(Sharon Ruston)编辑的论文《文学与科学》的贡献是后者的一个很好的例子),也许似乎不太可能有新的地区要映射。然而,正如贝林所揭示的那样,考虑小说如何通过神经外科医生亨利·佩尔朗德的特征来追踪不同的反射模式,无疑是寻找新观点的一种方法。



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