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“‘Literature Rather Than Science’: Henry Neville Hutchinson (1856-1927) and the Literary Borderlines of Science Writing”

机译:“'科学而不是科学':亨利·内维尔·哈钦森(Henry Neville Hutchinson(1856-1927))和科学写作的文学边界”



In 1889, Henry Neville Hutchinson demonstrated to readers of Hardwicke’s Science-Gossip the potential for a literary classic to express evocative scientific ideas, twistingthe iconic speech from Shakespeare’s As You Like It (1599) into a comical narrative ofevolutionary progress (“All the World’s a Stage” 260-1). This theatricalpronouncement marked the start of a prolific writing career in the popularization ofgeology, palaeontology, archaeology, and anthropology. Hutchinson’s passion for allthings literary infused these scientific books with allusions to authors ranging fromHomer to H. G. Wells. He even proposed, in both 1899 and 1925, the creation of abeneficent British Association for the Advancement of Literature intended to mirror thefunctions of the more venerable British Association for the Advancement of Science(“Literary Notes”; “British Association”). As suggested by this conscious parallel,Hutchinson’s enthusiasms for both literature and science were intertwined. He believedthat the prevalence of complex technical language had diminished the romance andwider intelligibility of science, alienating the public from meaningful engagement. Thisalienation could be reversed by more captivating presentations of scientificinformation. He characteristically argued, for instance, that audiences flocking toShakespeare productions would equally enjoy well-delivered natural history lectures(“Popular Science Lectures”). Educated to see science, like great literature, as a vibrantand democratic force in modern life, Hutchinson hoped to popularize cutting-edgescientific information with books intended to be as readable as the latest novels,encouraging wider participation in debate and discovery.
机译:1889年,亨利·内维尔·哈钦森(Henry Neville Hutchinson)向哈德威克(Hardwicke)的《科学八卦》(Science-Gossip)的读者展示了文学经典表达潜移默化的科学思想的潜力,将莎士比亚的《如你所爱》(As You Like It,1599)的标志性演讲转变为喜剧性的进化论叙事(“全世界”阶段” 260-1)。这种戏剧性的发音标志着地质学,古生物学,考古学和人类学的普及开始了多产的写作生涯。哈钦森(Hutchinson)对万物文学的热情使这些科学书籍充满了对从荷马(Homer)到H. G. Wells(霍尔斯)的作家的寓意。他甚至在1899年和1925年都提议建立一个仁慈的英国文学进步协会,以反映更古老的英国科学进步协会的职能(“文学笔记”;“英国协会”)。正如这种有意识的相似所暗示的那样,哈钦森对文学和科学的热情都交织在一起。他认为,复杂的技术语言盛行已削弱了科学的浪漫性和广泛的可理解性,使公众脱离了有意义的参与。可以通过更吸引人的科学信息介绍来扭转这种疏远感。他典型地指出,例如,涌向莎士比亚作品的观众将同样享受精心制作的自然历史讲座(“大众科学讲座”)。哈钦森受过教育,将科学像伟大的文学一样,视为现代生活中充满活力和民主的力量,他希望通过提供与最新小说一样可读的书籍来普及前沿科学信息,以鼓励人们广泛参与辩论和发现。



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