首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Telescopes in the Drawing Room: Geometry and Astronomy in George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss.”

Telescopes in the Drawing Room: Geometry and Astronomy in George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss.”

机译:客厅里的望远镜:乔治·艾略特(George Eliot)的《牙线磨坊》中的几何和天文学。”



George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss (1860) has traditionally been considered bycritics as a biographic working-through of Eliot’s life, and is very rarely studied as anovel with a scientific dimension. This critical treatment contrasts with the manystudies that situate Middlemarch (1872) and Daniel Deronda (1876) as novelsinformed by Victorian science. This article, however, proposes that Eliot engages boththematically and structurally with the science of astronomy in The Mill on the Floss.Eliot’s novel confronts the notion that women should be excluded from the science ofastronomy: an ideology transmitted in The Mill on the Floss through masculine modesof pedagogy. The telescope is central to how the novel considers astronomy:perspective in the text develops in relation to the observational capabilities of thetelescope, how it transformed proximity and enabled distant objects to be viewedclosely. In his “Studies in Animal Life,” George Henry Lewes advocated for the studyof minute things – frogs, parasites, insects and aquatic microorganisms – by statingthat “they have a less imposing appearance than planets and asteroids, I admit, butthey are nearer to us, and admit of being more intimately known” (61). In contrast tothis sentiment, this article shows that Eliot applies astronomical modes of observationto the intimacy of the domestic sphere, where bodies stand in for celestial objects, andobservation is assisted by telescopic apparatuses. By reading Eliot’s novel alongsidenineteenth-century astronomical documents, I show that an affinity is created betweenthe astronomical and the domestic in The Mill on the Floss, a manoeuvre that allotscomplex human relationships in the form of the novel a legitimacy that meritsscientific modes of observation.
机译:乔治·埃利奥特(George Eliot)的《牙线磨坊》(The Mill on the Floss)(1860)历来被批评家视为对埃利奥特一生的传记传记,很少被作为科学角度来研究。这种批判性的处理方法与许多研究相反,这些研究将米德尔玛奇(Middlemarch,1872年)和丹尼尔·德朗达(Daniel Deronda,1876年)定位为维多利亚时代科学报道的小说。然而,本文建议艾略特在主题上和结构上与《牙线磨坊》中的天文学进行互动。教学方式。望远镜是小说如何看待天文学的核心:本文的观点与望远镜的观测能力有关,它如何转变近距离并使远处的物体近距离观看。乔治·亨利·刘易斯(George Henry Lewes)在他的“动物生活研究”中主张研究微小的事物-青蛙,寄生虫,昆虫和水生微生物-指出“它们的外观比行星和小行星的外观小,我承认,但它们离我们更近,并承认其知名度更高”(61)。与这种观点相反,本文表明,艾略特将天文观测模式应用于家庭领域的亲密关系,在该领域中,身体是天体的代表,而望远镜的观测则辅助了观测。通过阅读艾略特的小说以及19世纪的天文学文献,我发现《牙线磨坊》(The Mill on the Floss)在天文学与家庭之间建立了亲密关系,这种动作以小说的形式分配了复杂的人际关系,这是一种具有科学意义的观察方式。



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