首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Kirsty Martin’s “Modernism and the Medicalization of Sunlight: D.H. Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield and the Sun Cure.”

Kirsty Martin’s “Modernism and the Medicalization of Sunlight: D.H. Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield and the Sun Cure.”

机译:柯斯蒂·马丁(Kirsty Martin)的“现代主义与阳光的医学化:劳伦斯(D.H. Lawrence),凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Mansfield)和太阳治愈”。



The transcendental effect of sunlight on the human mind has long been represented inliterature. However, at the outset of the twentieth century, this representation wasdeeply impacted by the popularization of sunlight therapy, a change which forced artistsand scientists alike to rethink this seemingly simple element of the natural world.In this article, Kirsty Martin examines the ways in which the burgeoning interestin phototherapy impacted the work of modernist writers, with a special focus on D.H.Lawrence (particularly his short story, “Sun”) and Katherine Mansfield. Both writersunderwent phototherapy as a treatment for tuberculosis, which was consideredincurable at the time. Lawrence was first encouraged to take sun-baths in Mexico justprior to writing “Sun”, and Mansfield undertook both sun therapy and x-ray therapywhile living in France.
机译:长期以来,太阳光对人类心灵的超越影响一直被视为文学。然而,在二十世纪初,这种表示方式受到了日光疗法的广泛影响,这一变化迫使艺术家和科学家们重新思考自然界中看似简单的元素。在本文中,柯斯蒂·马丁(Kirsty Martin)研究了这种方式。对光疗的兴旺兴趣影响了现代主义作家的作品,特别着重于DHLawrence(特别是他的短篇小说《太阳》)和Katherine Mansfield。两位作者都接受了光疗来治疗结核病,当时认为这是无法治愈的。劳伦斯(Lawrence)最初被鼓励在写《太阳》之前在墨西哥晒日光浴,而曼斯菲尔德(Mansfield)在法国居住期间进行了太阳疗法和X射线疗法。



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