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Life in the Zooniverse: Working with Citizen Science.




It has become accepted orthodoxy in Literature and Science studies that relationsbetween the two domains are a “two way street,” and that literature and culture do notmeekly reflect the new findings of their dominant partner, science, but are activelyengaged in a dynamic, reciprocal set of relations with scientific practice and thedevelopment of scientific ideas. It is an attractive position (and one to which I havealways subscribed), but such reciprocity is decidedly easier to track in historicalcontext, before the consolidation of structures of institutional and professionalscience, than in the current period. The call for the AHRC “Science in Culture” largegrants scheme was thus challenging: applicants were asked not merely to analysereciprocal relations between science and culture, but to work directly with scientists,and to develop new insights and new methodologies for both sides. A tall order!Over the years I have participated in numerous workshops and conferences withscientists, trying to discover common ground, but never engaged directly incollaborative research. Originally Gowan Dawson and I had been envisaging a strictlyhistorical project, addressing all those thousands of scientific and medical journalswhich lie mouldering in library basements (and are still largely untouched bydigitisation). As historians we are familiar with the “big names”, those journals likethe Lancet, the BMJ or Nature which have survived into the present day, and whosedominance in the historical record is now reaffirmed by the digitisation of backnumbers, making it easier for scholars to work with them. But what about all thoselocal natural history journals, or medical or public health journals which have fadedfrom historical memory?
机译:这两个领域之间的关系是一条“双向道路”,文学和科学研究已被认为是正统的。文学和文化并没有立即反映出其主要伴侣科学的新发现,而是积极地参与了动态,互惠的环境中。与科学实践的关系和科学思想的发展。这是一个有吸引力的职位(我一直都赞成),但是在体制和专业科学的结构巩固之前,这种互惠在历史背景下绝对比现在容易得多。因此,要求AHRC“文化科学”大计划的呼吁颇具挑战性:要求申请人不仅要分析科学与文化之间的相互关系,而且要与科学家直接合作,并为双方发展新的见解和新方法。多年来,我参加了无数与科学家合作的研讨会和会议,试图发现共同点,但从未直接参与过合作研究。最初,我和Gowan Dawson一直在设想一个严格的历史项目,处理所有藏在图书馆地下室中的成千上万的科学和医学期刊(并且在很大程度上仍未受到数字化的影响)。作为历史学家,我们熟悉“大牌”,像《柳叶刀》,《英国医学杂志》或《自然》这类杂志幸存至今,并且其历史记录中的主导地位已被后备数字化而得到重申,这使得学者们更容易与他们一起工作。但是,那些从历史记忆中消失的那些当地自然历史杂志,医学或公共卫生杂志又该如何呢?



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