首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Laurence Talairach, “Liminal Spaces: Literature, Film and the Medical Museum.”

Laurence Talairach, “Liminal Spaces: Literature, Film and the Medical Museum.”

机译:劳伦斯·塔莱拉赫(Laurence Talairach),“有限空间:文学,电影和医学博物馆”。



The cross-fertilization of the medical and literary fields is nothing new. In theeighteenth and nineteenth centuries, literature often interrogated the medical reality ofthe day. In the twenty-first century, the rise of medical humanities as a disciplinetypifies how literature may be used as a means of changing or reflecting on medicalpractice. However, the question of whether interdisciplinary projects involvingliterature and medicine demand a thorough knowledge both of the history of medicalpractice and of the trajectory of literary genres is rarely addressed. And yet such anapproach was pivotal to a collaborative project with a medical museum that I led in2013–14 and that resulted in the making of a short film (Liminality, directed by V.Lari) and a photographic exhibition (V. Lari). As shall be seen, the ways in which theemerging ScienceHumanities may help frame and examine literature-and-sciencescholars’ research output may be vital to the future recognition and understanding ofprojects of this type.
机译:医学和文学领域的交叉应用并不是什么新鲜事物。在18世纪和19世纪,文学经常质疑当时的医学现实。在二十一世纪,医学人文学科的兴起使人们可以将文学作为改变或反思医学实践的手段。但是,涉及文学和医学的跨学科项目是否需要对医疗实践的历史和文学体裁的轨迹都具有透彻了解的问题很少被解决。然而,这种方法对于与我在2013-14年度领导的医学博物馆的合作项目至关重要,这导致制作了一部短片(Liminality,由V.Lari导演)和一个摄影展览(V. Lari)。可以看出,新兴的“科学人文科学”可以帮助构架和审查文学和科学学者的研究成果的方式可能对于将来对此类项目的认可和理解至关重要。



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